
neutral: the common person is so far removed from ever even remotely dreaming of purchasing a ferrari that i feel about this one the same way i feel about all of them:

1st Gear: “It’s been a very bad no good week for Tesla”


Hate to break it to that guy but the kid doesn’t look anything like him.

It would REALLY help if CR would be a little more forthcoming with their test data. What version of Software was used during their testing? What Level was selected under “Speed Based Lane Change” setting, which is user level preference? As of 2019.8.5 and now 2019.16.1.2 my car will NOT stay in the passing lane longer

Promise them avocado toast afterwards.

It’s a necessity in North America because too many people don’t know how to drive with proper lane discipline and camp out in the left lane.

Well what do you want to do when the person in front of you is traveling under the speed limit in the left lane of a two-lane highway? Wait there for eternity or pass on the right?

the car would pass on the right, for example

passing on the right and cutting off faster moving vehicles is pretty much the majority of what I see on any given day so it sounds like the system is closer to the average human than the average robot.

Oh look, another Big Auto shill Tesla-bashing hit piece by Jalopnik.

Pretty sure those are Trans Am wheels.  Is there a flying chicken on the hood?

Those look fun to clean.

I am getting tired of all the articles written by people who think they know how to run a business but from the sounds of it can barely balance their own checkbook. Managing employee payrolls is part of running a business. Or should a job be guaranteed for life and the money for that come from a tree kept in the

In all fairness, the Fucknut division is a tough gig. Even Steve and Jeff failed to turn it around, what chance does Kevin have? 

If I’m correct, Ford didn’t need a bailout like everyone else, right?


Now playing

Let’s use press hype as an opportunity to push for mandating side underrail guards on semi trailers. Teslas aren’t the only types of cars that crash into semi trucks. A properly equipped semi trailer could have easily turned this from a fatality into something the driver could’ve walked away from.

Semi illegally fails to yield. Driver not paying attention. US still doesn’t require under ride guards. That’s all there is to it. Autopilot is the least concerning thing with this. 

You can drop billions of dollars and achieve nothing. Large automakers are so embroiled in their own processes that it probably takes them more money ad time to achieve the same thing a smaller, more nimble company can. And I’m not just talking about Tesla. Rimac is another great example of how a few smart minds can