
A few others have shared more angles that make our detective work a little easier...

here y’all go-

Cold tires and 1.5 psi off.  We all know why...

Not sure the jump-push guy deserved the same punishment.

Is there a hardcore fanbase that isn’t obnoxious? As an engineer, I was drawn to the Model S early on because Tesla emphasized EV advantages in the design and did not compromise, unlike say, the Leaf. The supercar performance, beautiful appearance, 120kW charging, etc. allowed them to charge higher prices, covering

Tesla’s “killer app” is the Supercharging network. NOBODY has as comprehensive of a charging network as them, especially a high power one. They’ve said in the past they would be willing to license Supercharger access to other companies, provided they help add to it, but as far as I’m aware, only Bollinger has actually

Yes, it’s almost like there’s good and bad things about the car, just like many cars. But the consensus has been that, fit and finish aside, the Model 3 is a helluva vehicle.

Well, I wouldn’t say Tesla handling is “bad”, I’d say the Model S and Model X handling is at least on par with similar cars of their size. The Model S is a full size car, and the Model X is a 7 seat SUV. Having driven both, I’d say both are relatively nimble for their size, especially the Model S. 

No one knows better than me that there can be paint/trim issues at delivery, but Monroe straight up admitted that he “had to eat crow” about the Model 3 because he was very critical in his initial review, but realized that overall the car is very well engineered and profitable upon further review.

...but Tesla has already surpassed Fyre and even Delorean levels.

Tesla was the first company to realize that an extensive network of fast chargers is essential to selling EVs in large numbers and then commit to building that network.

There really aren’t any electric cars that are equal to Tesla, so the analogy falls flat. There may be soon- but the Taycan isn’t our yet and other EVs from the majors are either penalty boxes (Bolt) or still not ready for mass consumption (Audi E-from). 

I was making the hype comparison. Building up hype about a product that ultimately doesn’t deliver.

You’re really gonna argue that Tesla = the Fyre Festival and also one of the most influential auto makers of the 21st century? The second Tesla sold a single car, they’d already delivered infinitely more than the Fyre Festival.

You were probably hilarious when you made fun of SpaceX 15 years ago. “you’ll never reduce space flight costs by 200x lololol”

You people are hilarious thinking you’re smarter than Musk and his engineers.

I could build a house that people can’t live in for a fraction of the price of a structurally sound and functional house. This is the same gift.

They dug a long tunnel under a major metro city for practically nothing in no time at all. Compared to any public works project in the history of this nation that is incredibly impressive. 

Sure if you ignore the speed and cost efficiency of building the tunnel; the whole point of the Boring Company, its unimpressive.

Damn morons will never be impressed with anything unless its such a quantum leap forward it appears magic to them.

Hot take: Those transit agency employees are idiots.