Pop out door handles and massive screens. Congrats on catching up to 6 year old Tesla features.
Pop out door handles and massive screens. Congrats on catching up to 6 year old Tesla features.
How is it so slow? Small, ~300HP, electric torque, and 6 sec 0-62?!?
What you failed to report (probably on purpose) was that they tore apart a Chevy Bolt a year ago, before ANY Model 3 was available, and magically determined that based on it, the M3 would not be profitable and each car would loose 6k...which they told to all of their investors. Now, after other tear downs have…
What you failed to report (probably on purpose) was that they tore apart a Chevy Bolt a year ago, before ANY Model 3 was available, and magically determined that based on it, the M3 would not be profitable and each car would loose 6k...which they told to all of their investors. Now, after other tear downs have…
Jalopnik is just getting pathetic.
Serious question - Would hitting a drone be the same as hitting a bird? If we abstract the problem away from drones, how do planes and helicopters normally avoid hitting small flying things? From a quick google search, it appears that beyond specifying thick windshields, nothing else is done because it is usually…
It’s amazing how much it kills you to write anything good about Tesla. Literally the first paragraph of your review tells us to ignore everything your about to say because you only had 90 min with the car so it doesn’t count...yet a lunch time drive was enough time for you to determine the iPace was the best EV out…
I also didn’t mean to imply *you* hoard knowledge. Just sometimes, engineers in general (especially younger ones) seem to think there is job security in being the only one that knows how to do something and they are reluctant to share. The reality is that engineers that share are more valuable than ones that don’t.
Race car overheats on shake down run. I’m sure that has NEVER happened before. OMG TESLA SUCKS!!!!
On the flip side, don’t “hoard” your knowledge thinking it makes you more valuable. I’m a manager and have to deal with this kind of thing all the time. Trust me, your a much more valuable engineer if your spreading your knowledge around to others lifting the team as a whole.
If you sat in it, then you saw how cool the windshield is.
I had to pay $5k non refundable to Mini to custom order my wife’s car and it took 3.5 months. See, no different from other manufacturers but the rule is that here on Jalopnik, we only hate on Tesla.
Amen. HD has been circling the toilet long before Trump camp along. They are a company that screwed up and failed to change with the times and now its catching up to them.
Do they have 20 min from the time the attempt is scrubbed to restart? What if you’re almost to the top? I’m assuming they allow them to get back down the course first. Also, it sounds like they have a 90kWh battery...like my Tesla. They must be pushing >120kW if they can charge it in less than 20 min given you have to…
I think they are close to selling 250k cars because people are worried the fed rebate will run out before they get their M3 but I know the early ones didn’t have AP so I was being conservative.
This was a stupid device and I’m glad its been banned because it makes Tesla and Tesla owners look bad. That said, I question this:
Care to explain why I should believe anything you say when you write this
Wrong. That would be the most complex because you have to eliminate every single false positive that would be generated by every other non moving object using a very low resolution sonar input. The detection distance needed to stop the car at speed would be to great and slamming on the breaks due to an over pass or a…
Sorry but 5!= a lot. How many thousands of Teslas with AP are there? 100k? We don’t have an epidemic here and all the test did was prove that people still have to pay attention. The same result would have happened in any other car where a person was not paying attention (texting, changing radio stations, yelling at…
Exactly. People never die or crash into things with non-computerized wifi enabled cars.