Chip Skylark of Space

Yep. The last 2ish seasons, SNL has put itself out there a few times changing up the look and style of the musical guest segments and the show is much better for it. Let’s be honest, even when they’ve had great performers who you know can sing and/or play, the performances are often “meh” because the stage just

Yeah all of the staging and lighting of that first number was fantastic

Best line of the show: “Nothing has ever explained Fox News better than a rich white lady calling a homeless man ‘Scrooge.

Best episode of the season so far. I’d say A-. Consistently good sketches throughout the night. Lonely Christmas was excellent and a great use of Kate (nice to see her return, but honestly she hasn’t been missed much). I also really liked the TikTok sketch. But my favorite piece of the night was Andrew Dismuke’s WU

There are a lot of parallels with Kristen Wiig, who IIRC she was brought on to replace: a genuinely great and funny member of the crew who was increasingly allowed to do whatever the hell she wanted, with the show suffering as a result.

I will never understand the Kate McKinnon love. I find all of her impersonations to be so grating, and just not funny.

I absolutely adored this show and was completely won over by Eilish’s charm. It was somewhat astonishing that her giggling didn’t ruin the scenes, partially because the writers were really smart about the roles they had her do.

In future, machine services YOU.

I had a friend who owned a bunch of these. He was a very proud that he built his business from scratch. Honestly it sounded great. But he was in his 70s and I was concerned about the physical work involved.

I had a brief run stocking vending machines for a small company and my observations lead me to believe it’s not as easy as it sounds here. In most markets with the medium-to-large population density needed to sustain a route, there is going to be some firmly entrenched competition. Securing a location is especially

You had me til “servicing the machines” 

Will uninstalling teams and never installing it again work? (And, if work wants me on a cell phone they can give me one again.)

Fuck you Microsoft Teams

For holiday meals (thanksgiving, christmas) we’ll eat around 2/3pm, so we can have dessert at 5/6pm.

1st Gear: I’ll never drive a car I have to pay a subscription fee to utilize. Full stop, won’t do it. If this catches on in the industry and that means I won’t drive a car manufactured after 2025, or I stick exclusively to budget niche cars going forward, fine. But I flatly refuse to pay an ongoing subscription on my

It looks like it was designed, sculpted, and painted by someone who has never seen real human testicles. They could have saved themselves time by just supergluing a dildo to a controller.

blue lights at night can disturb your circadian rhythm and the quality of your sleep plus cause other problems.

Don’t know about the blue light thing, but I know people with nystagmus (a condition involving involuntary eye movement) and bright, LED point sources (like Christmas lights) cause a flickering, strobing effect that gives them a pretty quick headache.

The new Tru-Tone LED bulbs genuinely look like incandescent. The same bright warm glow. None of the harsh saturated colors of modern LED Christmas lights. 

Really? Have you driven by any houses that do all blue lights? This is the opinion of someone who has had upwards of 2500 bulbs on our house, the fence out to the garage, and every tree in our front yard.  LED bulbs have the worse colors, and no one know why.