Chip Skylark of Space

I can’t remember which store chain in Minnesota had those - it might have been the now gone Rainbow Foods, driven out of business by the weirdly brightly lit Cub Foods.

Thanks for reminding me that JLD is still fuckable at whatever her fucking age is.

Your first cup of hot water should be just thrown at the car door, so it falls to the ground as ice crystals, THEN pour the second cup of hot water ever so carefully over the door gasket around the side edge. Now it should open, with your glass intact.

Thank god he hasn’t mentioned the idea of him and his ego getting into politics lately. Him feeding the media with that line of bullshit all the while the country was up to it’s waist with Trump’s shit was too much for me.

I think you meant this:

Secret to a decent Yorkie? Controlling the barking and early house training.

My first thought when looking at the Lea Michelle picture is (to quote Matt Dillon from the movie In & Out), “Eat something, I’m begging you!

Sweating windows? Clean the windows really well (take a single edged razor blade and scrape the entire window surface), then mist the window lightly and cover the interior window with bubble wrap. This works like a champ, and if you can’t afford to upgrade your windows (or you’re renting), this keeps the room bright

Lucky he didn’t slam Okra


Speaking of Mafioso, I also didn’t expect to fucking love Tulsa King (which I do, so far), but with Toni Collette and Monica Bellucci in it, I have this circled on my calendar already.

Direct violation of the constitution that he swore to uphold. If he didn’t uphold it while in office, maybe he can while serving time in upstate New York, ala James Michael Curley, but without the whole elected-while-in-jail thing that Curley was so famous for.

For some reason, this makes me want to watch The Ref again, a funny Dennis Leary Christmas movie. I’m glad this movie is as good as the vibe I got off watching the previews fo rit.

The phrase used in these parts is that it was a publationship- a relationship for publicity sake. The movie’s been out for two months, it doesn’t have legs for anything in the awards field, beyond the Razzies.

I’ve loved the note I just read on IMDB that Johnson toyed with the idea that Blanc would do a different accent in every movie. That would have been great.

No capes, darling!

Minnesota guy. The unit has to come out in October, and pay attention to the weather in the coming week. If the temp is not hitting 75 during that week, take it out now, while you can get it out without freezing in the room. Once out, vacuum the back of the AC as best you can, and watch for condensation water and be

Previously she didn’t have a mouth wide enough to put her foot into; now I’m certain she does. I sincerely hope she doesn’t feel the urge to do so.

I believe you’re confusing him with Leonardo DiCaprio.

I came here to mention the idea of the BDE, thank you Roger.