You made me giggle to remember the woman regularly attending Midwestern SF conventions back in the 1970s who earned herself the nickname Poptart. Thanks, Sean
My objection to oatmeal raisin isn’t the oatmeal, but to the raisin. My wife has introduced me to chocolate chip cookies with a bit of oatmeal that I accept does improve the cookie, but I draw the line at anything in my cookie that ‘bites back’ like when you bite into a raisin. My first instinct is to spit the damned…
The original Overboard and not the horrific remake, right?
Hell no, she has so had surgery. Her face is no longer round, and someone who knows makeup also did her makeup as well. Her pre-surgery face makes me wonder what Marla looked like originally/
You might want to retitle this article how to deal with steam radiators. The way to maintain a hot water radiator system is totally different, and isn’t anywhere as dangerous as a steam system.
Congrats! The download page is in English.
When my last alarm clock broke, I added another alarm to my phone and I didn’t buy another. It was simple enough for me to put the phone face down next to me on the charger.
I want the option of selecting the camera view when in motion. Too many tailgaters have pissed us (mostly Mrs. Skylark, more then me) off too many times.
Stumptown got screwed. I loved that show.
I could watch Emily Blunt read from a phone book.
Wow, Flint-Bishop is up to 15 gates. I still remember when they went from 4 to 8. It still beats the crap out of Detroit Metro, and if you live in Oakland county, the distance from home is about the same.
He looks like the guy I once saw pissing on the wall in a NYC subway platform. The train driver laid on the horn as we left the station, and pisser turned around to face where the noise had come, while still pissing; same vacant expression.
...and it does that because they decided to do that on their own.
Oh they are, and just because our dog is in my face doesn’t mean she’s getting of it.
When I did IT support for a medical non profit, I found the gizmo that creates those personal blister packs, and I found it fascinating to watch. I think the term is slack jawed wonder.
This movie list slideshow is a record for me. I’ve seen 18 of 22. Man on Fire is so good that I watched the clip (“Rectum? Damn well killed him!”) again.
If I don’t donate my books to Goodwill, how the hell are they supposed to restock their bookshelves?
I’ve taken the baked garlic and squeezed it out onto bread like the world’s worse/best toothpaste (this might have been Clare’s original article telling me this), but I’ll also do that on a nice water cracker, and our dog always wants in on that action too.
This talk of smoked turkey reminds me of the last turkey farm that had been left in an otherwise would-be hoidy toidy suburb of St. Paul. I used to call two days before Thanksgiving, order my bird, which they would then dispatch that same afternoon. I would pick it up, and at home I’d fire up my extremely cheap…