Chip Skylark of Space

I lived my first 26 years on Bahston, but damned if I’ve ever seen this damned statue before in my life. Where the hell was it placed? I just hope that it was no wheer near the memorial to the 54th Regiment across the street from the State House, one of my favorite pieces of sculpture ever.

If your team has the word Fighting in their name, bet on it being racist.

I still want to know when Olympic Tug of War was removed. I love the idea that it was ever a sport.

I wonder if Dunkin’  did anything yesterday for 12/12

Thank you for reminding me who the heck Ray Fisher is.

Not all cast iron radiators are on a steam system. The safer alternative is hot water systems like mine, and they get warm but not hot as hell. These can be cleaned any old time because of that fact.

Looking at the photo, I imagined a chase involving golf carts.

Trump has the legal team he has because he has a long history of never paying his bills, so the good lawyers know to stay away from him like plague. Because at this level of the law, no one wants to do pro bono work.

The Centaur version flown back in the 60s was likely the original single engine variant. The version you show is one of the newer two engine version. I can’t find anything definitive on what version was actually flown for Surveyor 2

how loud would this have been? Could it be heard in South Carolina?

Okay, I have my healthcare worker’s badge, but we healthcare IT workers are not considered essential?

My wife has repeatedly said over the years that my shaving would be the tantamount to a divorce filing


I’m noticing that Office 365 is messing with the F7 spell check function too.  Way to go guys.

Well, it came as a complete surprise to his fans, and more importantly, to his wife.

Feminist Hollywood icon who turned out to have a whole secret sex life away from his wife and children.

Yeah, but I hate peanut butter. 

If the plate didn’t match the car, there’s an even bigger fine, and less humorous story.

Keep your politics out of reviews of political games please.

The SF artwork I bought in the 1970s thinking that I could pay for a new kidney from a later sell-off. Now I’m actually trying to sell it off now, and even going to the art houses that have successfully sold other SF artwork has not worked out for me. At least I bought the stuff for a good price.