Chip Skylark of Space

That already happened. When I sit in my man chair, the change in my pocket rolls out into the chair and is lost forever or until I turn the chair over and it rains onto the floor. I’m looking at you, Duluth Trading Company (founded by a woman!).

Boy, growing up in the Boston area, and being familiar with many of the colleges in the area, it would take me a long time to even remember there’s a school named Emerson. Harvard, BC, BU, Brandeis, Tufts, Northeastern, U Mass, Bentley, even Berklee School of Music

Were you able to rescue the children from the toaster?

Gas plumbing is nothing. I spend more time reassuring my wife that I wasn’t going to blow up the house then doing the work..

I want the Assistant Attorney for Southern New York to fly down to DC on the 20th and arrest the short fingered Vulgarian (c) as he’s exiting the White House or the Pennsylvannia Avenue viewing stands. They have actual charges pending for the bastard

Lets not forget that Alex was born in Sudbury Ontario,

Don’t forget to tip your waitress

The Trump White House and the GOP in general are not playing by the same playbook as the rest of us. They are not fans of democracy, and will not ever seemly walk away from the reins of power; indeed, they will have to be darted and carried out feet first to get them away. My wife has already suggested that the Oval

There is still be a winery in Minnesota whose slogan is:

Mom would have slipped her a credit card, to use in emergencies, or on a Friday night, just don’t tell your dad. Dad is one of those Republicans.

The folks who put the Constitution and the Bill of Rights set up the second amendment to allow the states to arm themselves by preserving their own state militias against the combined might of a nation that might gang up on an individual state. This bullshit that it was set up to allow us to arm our selves like one

I’ve mixed a can of tuna with my miracle whip and ate it on saltines. My go to odd snack however is ketchup on potato chips, which I likely have once or twice a month

Looking at the photo of the new device it looks like the Astronauts will be shitting on or in my dog’s food bowl. Given the dog’s propensity to eating what we euphemistically call lawn mints in the back yard, this was not an image I wanted to be stuck with today.

Extra points for the use of Colombian Booger Sugar”. Well, now Trump Junior has something to talk to Gavin Newsom about, if Newsom ever visits Junior in jail..

Damn. The moon is full this week, and that makes it difficult to see all but the brightest of displays.

Wow, the first half an hour has been a shit show. . I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone ask a candidate to shut up. Unfortunately, Trump was still talking, and never heard Bidon asking him to shut up.

We’ve had chickens nuggets longe enough that I’m amazed that no one has developed some cow based nugget equivalent. Admittedly, Cow Nuggets does bring something else to mind, but still...

80 rolls for $46? Most weeks at Target I can get a better deal, and never have to worry about the neighborhood urchins stealing my toilet paper off my front steps.

80 rolls for $46? Most weeks at Target I can get a better deal, and never have to worry about the neighborhood

Another pair of titles of hers that scares the absolute crap out of Dumpty Trumpy is prosecutor and state attorney general. Two more things that Kamala Harris very good at.

The kid is the nutjob that her parents trained him to be. I hope they’re fucking proud of the fact that he’s murdered fellow American citizens.