Chip Skylark of Space

I got your mug right here, Dude...

We’ve watched two episodes of Connected, hoping they might be half as good as James Burke’s Connections. The one on Benford’s Law will stay with my wife and I for a long, long time.

For a hundred bucks, you can buy a printer/fax/copier that also takes care of your copier needs, at home.  NO more hinky trips around town looking for someone to help you.

They weren’t funny? Good Lord! I was in high school ( I have to draw a breath before I say this) over fifty years ago, and I had some of the typical plays in class, and they spoke to me. They spoke to me enough that I knew to go into the stacks in the library and find the Falstaff plays. I would read them and chuckle

I’m half way through watching that version of Richard III; boy, the staging just endlessly creeps me out, so he obviously did a great job by doing it.

The self cleaning cycle is the only thing to cut through the crap on the oven in our case. We took all the parts from the top of the stove and put them in the oven for that cycle,and got those cleaner then we ever got them on their own. For the oven door, I’m big on using a razor blade scraper to get the stuff off,

The darkest of times? Popeyes needs to come back with their onion rings. Good god, they’ve been gone around here for what? Twenty years? Jesus I miss them so damned MUCH. I see on the webs that some places in Louisiana might still carry them, but they have have messed with the recipe.

It was my allergist so said forget it

The issue I have with my main work laptop is that it connects to WiFi, but it tells me I have no web access. I can hook up a wire, and if I flush DNS, I have web access. I think I’m facing a rebuild if I can’t figure out a work around to make my laptop act like a laptop.

The first time I ever planted sunflowers was when I was a kid, in charge of the family garden (turned out my folks didn’t like working in the sun), and I planted the seeds right over the cesspool in our yard. It turns out that they are what they call ‘heavy feeders’ when it comes to soil nutrients, that that first

You made me look that up; I never knew that that was even a thing!

I don’t watch this bread & circuses shit that infests TV, so I can only imagine that Tucker Carlson blamed people of color when he eventually lost? Don’t tell me- I really don’t care.

I don’t understand; where’s the racist stuff? EVen if you go all ‘both sides are good people, Nick’s words have nothing on any 20 people coming out of the White House for the last three years, and we didn’t fire them yet.

I had to go into a work location last night just after midnight (hey! that’s just a few hours ago! Fuck am I tired!), and I spotted Jupiter and Saturn, then looking for easterly, I saw Mars because of how red it was. Pretty damned cool sky show.

Were you able to take turns pounding the snot out of your IT guy? Taking out your latent social frustrations like that is always fun to contemplate; Did your company survive the ransom?

Jim Gaffigan? Jesus, that guy is creepy as hell.

I was watching Samantha Bee’s show tonight (and an hour’s worth of Big Bang Theory before that), and I saw the TV commercial that mentioned cow farts. Over and over again, Burger King is running a national commercial that talks about cow farts. Wow.  What was the meeting like, where their advertising people suggested

I was told I was allergic to Penicillin because my throat tried to swell shut when I got a shot at the age of 6. In my forties, I thought to go in and be tested to see if I still was, because I read that I might not be still allergic. The specialist said that he had just read a journal article about how even the

Someone would open that? Good lord, we are too stupid to live, aren’t we? Put on your mask, and delete the stupid thing.

I watch Botched with my wife, so if the work was done as a charity thing, I’ll have to let you know