Maybe she was a fan of Black Adder? I know I was, back in the day.
Maybe she was a fan of Black Adder? I know I was, back in the day.
Another reason the Resident is worried- British royalty in America? Good god, we can’t have someone, anyone drawing the headlines away from Donald Fucking Trump. This is his prime time show, and the headlines are his by right.
Wow, you live in a different neighborhood them mine.
Throw the outer box away, wash hands after you do so.
Don’t forget the Legionnaires disease outbreaks of 20 years ago on the cruise ships. Thank you, cruise lines; how’s that whole flag of convenience thing working out for yah now?
As much as I like Matt Bomer and Bill Pullman, these seasons of The Sinner have gotten more turgid each year. My wife and I have about 3 or 4 episodes on the TiVo, and I can’t bring myself to suggest we watch them.
Works better then the pop-up that I took out of a turkey.
I’ve bought one or two cars that were very uncomfortable to just sit in, and I need to look at sight lines in the cars, so I can find out if it’s got blind spots, or badly designed windows. I will always actually sit in the car before I buy it, so I don’t end up with something deeply flawed in it’s design.
It’s 10:30 at night, and there was almost nothing on tonight (3/25). We watched The Perfect Score (2004?) and the new episode of Stumptown.
When it happens, can you alert us, so when they bring in his castmates from Castle for the special episode, I can watch it. I miss Castle.
So, to answer your statement, there’s nothing on TV tonight.
That Vladimir Putin is willing to run a bar tab for all of them?
In Europe, no one refrigerates their eggs, I am given to understand. I mention this, because my wife can not be convinced that eggs left out for even just a few hours could possibly still be good..
As the past owner of a sweet CRX and a nice 22" Honda mower, this exactly where my mind went too.
The people inside the building make money from you, no matter what.
Greatest Of All Time, in fact.
Where do you see The Expanse falling? My initial guess would be Class 4, but I wasn’t sure if Class 5, what with the Belters having taken that big ass ship away from the Mormons.
Princess Bride and Buckaroo Banzai.
This sounds like Kentucky Fried Movie, Quibi Edition. Would that mean that Jackie Chan has a show? His was by far the best bit inside the original KFM.