Chip Skylark of Space

These idiots (Wahlberg and the director, whoever the fuck they are) never read a Spenser book, and didn’t even bother to watch any episodes of Spenser for Hire. Why did they even bother to make this? Mind you, I grew up in the Bahston area and I loved the books, but I’m watching this piece of shit for Iliza and

I did just see Colbert introduce it on air to his anti-corona virus regime. His does like his on-air day drinking, doesn’t he?

I did just see Colbert introduce it on air to his anti-corona virus regime. His does like his on-air day drinking,

Got a sore throat? Coming down with the flu? Got some sort of respiratory issue that’s ill defined?  Take a glass of tea, honey and whiskey, and call my mother in the morning. I learned to hate scotch whisky from this cure.

Got a sore throat? Coming down with the flu? Got some sort of respiratory issue that’s ill defined?  Take a glass of

Wow- in East Boston; a racism I always associated with Southie. Somewhere Louise Day Hicks is looking up from a hard day of being tortured and smiling.

The best role for Meghan Markle? The obvious choice is that it’s time to bring back Fringe, where the young Junior FBI Agent Amy Jessup is by now simply Agent Amy Jessup, and we can resume the stories of the FBI’s Fringe Division, even without Walter Bishop.

Jessica Biel figured out that being married to a stoner dude is no bargain. A drunken stoner dude? Even less so. With an almost 5 year old at home, Timberlake should have already grown the fuck up.

I’m from Minnesota (well, I live in Minnesota), and even I didn’t think Amy Klubachar was a viable option. Tomorrow after work, I’m going to the poll where I’m voting for Elizabeth Warren. Yeah, in a few months, I might end up having to voting for Bernie, but I hope to hell I don’t have to contemplate voting for an

As a human being, I would like to apologize to these kids for being put through this bullshit by someone who showed not that they represented a institution of ‘higher learning’, but instead were fucking high.

...or you can go across the street, and pay for a better tasting breakfast at Wendy’s.

A few more months of exercise challenges Beth, and I think you’ll be taking over for Emily Blunt in the Edge of Tomorrow sequel.

With Amy gone, does that mean that Lauren Ash’s push-up bra will get a bigger role?

Peel the wax off a dozen Baby Bell cheeses, dip them in a egg wash before you roll them in your favorite spiced crumb batter, then deep fry ‘em (but good god, not very long before they leak out of the coating). You can thank me later.

I think I saw Jinhao chickens on one of our chicken wall calendars in the past few years. I tried to find some images, but Google is showing me a lot of Jinhao branded pens. weird.

As a 67 year old, fuck you too.

Let me check with Perkins to see if they have a free pancake deal today. Life’s too short to bother with IHOP.

I clicked the link to the DHS article, and I see no link to submit anything on-line. How the heck to do I do it?  My license needs to be renewed in June and I want to start this shit now.

I always liked the sequel, Dryer Ball Z.

I always liked the sequel, Dryer Ball Z.

I love the ironic contrast of

Being rich (a substitute for needed work experience), I expect to hear next that Bloomberg will bypass future debates. If he does this, it will be like throwing chum in the water for everyone else on the stage.

If you don’t copyright that name right now, you’ll never see any money the fabulous Fat Fuck Clothing line. Polos, baseball caps, those crappy jackets that Trumpy always wears - you’ll have it all.