Chip Skylark of Space

Yeah, it was always the local garages (look for the sign by the curb). Do they still check your headlight alignment? My father used to bitch about that as a scam that the inspection stations would always ‘find’ that your headlights were not aligned, and then try to slap a failed inspection sticker on you, unless they

I still remember Dave Letterman drinking from a Windex bottle on one of his shows. I’m certain that it was one of the ‘sports’ drinks that already looks like Windex

I’ve also done that, those one or two times when I was already out of Nesquik and the Hersheys bottle was relatively low.

You know what bugs the crap out of me about the Mini Coopers? The fact that you have any sort of instrument or display the size of a friggin’ dinner plate in the middle of the goddamned dashboard. I don’t care what the hell it’s telling me, even it’s the lunch menu at Denny’s, complete with pictures, that’s just wrong.

Growing up in Massachusetts, my parents had to get their cars inspected twice a year, and you got a sticker to slap on your windshield. When I was young, some family, driving a crap car and with hyperactive little kids jumping up and down in the backseat, had one or more of their kids fall through the rusted out floor

The tarp over the stairs would seem to be a great way to lose a postman, who is just trying to get to your mailbox at the top of the stairs.

I prefer the Waze interface as well, but I wish I could get it to stop prompting me about how I need to carpool today

It did. I liked the show, but thought that January Jones characters was very one dimensional. I liked the two daughters, and some of the other characters as well.

Or drop them into lakes and streams, because it effects fish reproductive cycles.

Altered Carbon season 2!! Hot damn!

Years after she left, there is still just no getting the Fox News out of this woman, is there? Maybe she should use some of her leftover settlement money to buy a fucking clue.

Why not just wash the toothbrush holder you’ve got? We have a fancy glass that holds our toothbrushes, and every couple of months, we swap it out to clean for the other one we have in the linen closet.

Why not just wash the toothbrush holder you’ve got? We have a fancy glass that holds our toothbrushes, and every

As a former bookbinder, NO.

Yeah, the flag looked more like the Ohio yacht club pennant then the Ohio yacht pennant does.

Okay, I never watched the movie, and while I have the comic collection, I still haven’t read it yet, but I have to ask about the flag they showed- is it 51 stars or what?

I was always curious that David and Wallis didn’t have any children because they might have had some sort of deal not to confuse future generations with another line of ‘spare’ royals.

But IHOPs pancakes s u c k. Why is is adding pancake batter to their omelets make them better?  If I want good pancakes, I’ll go to a Perkins.

We need a map to have this conversation.

Didn’t they sell the brand off to some Chinese car company that I’d never heard of before or since. Oh; I see that deal fell through. Must have been part of the Chinese government’s plan to help GM destroy GM.

Growing in Boston, I never heard of this square cut shit until I moved to the Twin Cities. It’s 30 years later, and I still make fun of square cut, and just know which places to avoid ordering from, if I want to keep the grease and sauce off myself