Chip Skylark of Space

I’ve watched enough episodes of Dr. Pimple Popper to know that bigger is not likely better.

I figured I needed the cleaning action of the phosphoric acid in the pop to kill that scale, and it worked as well as the various web pages and videos say it would..

Just remember- Florida did it first. Hell, even Vermont did.

All of these things are fairly expensive, in a cost per ounce, so stick with the standard non-standard cleaner- Coke. We ended up with a twelve pack of diet cola (I don’t do diet anything), so I poured two into our toilet and waited overnight. The scaley buildup at the bottom of the toilet was gone.

When he first opened his mouth, I thought he was indicating his love of The Expanse, before I realized that he wasn’t speaking Belter Creole. Then I realized he was just another tiny white dick.

So was Truck Trading Trudy still charged with assault? She pursued him into his office, where she slapped him so hard she knocked his glasses off.

I watch Prime Video on my TV through my connected TiVo, and I love that ability too. It even will tell you details on music from the soundtrack in that paused screen.

I was half expecting to find out that Vladimir Putin was found to have been doing Kevin a solid. A series of solids.

I just read that article a month ago, and it made me realize that the Boeing company is really circling the drain, thanks to the idiots that came on board from McDonald Douglas. I’ll be curious to see if anyone in their executive suite gets around to hitting the brakes on the dismissal of the engineers who ran the

If they’re smart (By the way, my guess is that they’re not) they should bank his golden parachute monies and put them aside, because eventually they’re need to be paying out to survivors.

This historical record explains where the whole Fox News believe in the ‘White Jesus’ story came from.

I always thought that BHC III should have been Taggert and Rosewood going to Detroit and working with Axel on his home turf. Instead we ended up with the shittiest of the three. Eddie’s Murphy’s ego in 1994 would not have stood a flipped premise like that.

The neighbor’s brother gave him the two monstahs because he said they were so big he couldn’t sell ‘em. They were about three feet long and our dog was scared to death to get too close.

...and because of that acid, it cleans my CPAP of all the limestone build-up really well.

...and because of that acid, it cleans my CPAP of all the limestone build-up really well.

They could join every other guy hawking seafood off the back if a truck, which was a thing the 40 years ago when I lived out there. That was when my neighbor, whose brother was a lobsterman, gave us one of the two 35 pound lobsters his brother had given him, because we had a pot big enough to cook the damned things.

I hope they didn’t steal the butter first- I’d hate for them to have all that butter laying around, in the expectation of getting the lobster afterwards.

She’s been in the Senate for just as long as Obama had been when he ran for President, took the nomination away from Hilary, and won the damned thing twice.

we don’t have hateful people in South Carolina. It’s a small minority; it’s always going to be there

My own mother really has never given a crap about me beyond whether or not when I was a child, my behavior could reflect badly on her, her only child, nor does she now care one whit about our grown daughter, her only grandchild, who just so happens is a hell of a interesting and driven human being, and the fact that

This makes sense- I already use crushed dried onions as a crunch on top of my salads because I don’t like croutons on my salads.