Chip Skylark of Space

I’ve seen enough Martin Scorsese movies to know that mob enforcers always pull this shit when they threaten citizens. Doesn’t the fact that Barr did it in front of cameras mean that we can now arrest him for blackmail, which is against the law?

We can’t get vacuums like we used to own 20-30 years ago, but even the idiotic bagless piece of shit we have now is fully capable of sucking up the needles that fall off our fraser fir tree.

We can’t get vacuums like we used to own 20-30 years ago, but even the idiotic bagless piece of shit we have now is

I watched the fucking Irishman, and I will never get those three hours of my life back. It’s a movie where the only thing that happens is that his eldest daughter learns to hate her dad’s life, hates all of her dad’s creepy friends, and likely despairs about all of the guys that her dad killed. I don’t think anything

If your toilet has scale that will not break down by any other means, two cans of coca cola left over night then after a flush and scrub, it should be gone. I’d heard about thsi for years, and when we were gifted with some diet coke, I put it to work.

If your toilet has scale that will not break down by any other means, two cans of coca cola left over night then

In the 1970s, he lived on Beacon Hill in Boston, and imagine my shock when I was walking away from my girlfriend’s office at Little, Brown and I ran into Gahan Wilson as he was walking down the street. I knew him at the time from The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction and from National Lampoon. He was shocked that

Everyone of these actors do interesting things. I will be watching this.

The web site that offers the insights of an unknown entertainment lawyer of some sort ( says that every female judge who resists the advances of Mr. Cowell finds themselves removed from the show.

We ignore every medical bill until we see the explanation of benefits from the insurance company. Then we get to bitch at the insurance company if they’ve denied coverage for any part of the procedure. Isn’t living exciting?!?

I’ll never forget the flavor- it was burnt. I didn’t know if it was the flavor she was going for, but even my mother (her first born) hated her version of gravy.

My grandmother spent her life cooking on a wood stove, and from that I got her excellent apple pie recipe, but I am still repelled by her idea of gravy, for which she would always throw some flour into a skillet with some butter, and then brown the flour. She’d do so much more, involving turkey drippings and and

Our Netflix queue is filled with ‘comedy specials’ that we’ve watched for 10 minutes before one of us turned to the other and said “they’re not funny, are they?” then we move on, on our endless quest for comedians who are funny..

I always worry that the folks who stand up that early are next to my face cracking them off and then just standing there. Sort of the opposite of crop dusting.

If I had Marissa’s Yahoo severance package, I could start planning that SpaceX trip out to lunar orbit that I’ve dreaming about for so long. That would still leave whatever she has left from her Google cash out...

The Seth Meyers comedy show is fantastic

Well, they shouldn’t have budged in the line.

I love Yukon Golds for almost everything, but I would peel them before cubing them up because of how much I hate digging potato skins out of my teeth during or after a meal. I think skin-on potatoes are an abomination.

I’m looking forward to the Expos, oops, Nationals victory parade, when the streets of DC are lined with people shouting “Lock him up”. America, not another ginned up Nazi rally, gets to have their voices heard.

Beyond living in American League cities all my life, I really have no horses in this race. But all in all, the idea that the Expos could still end up reigning supreme does tickle me. Go knows before the weekend games, they had certainly looked powerful enough to deal with the Astros.

Damn, is that why I haven’t seen her travel channel show in years?

Every damned garage I’ve ever brought my car to has a sign at the door to the work area telling me that I can not not wander back into that space. The business by their own rules does not allow me to legally observe whether their employees did their own fucking job. If I can’t observe your employees to make sure they