Chip Skylark of Space

I’m squeezing out a few more months of Windows 7, so imagine my surprise that the Windows 7 version of WinDef doesn’t offer this option. Bummer.

If he didn’t report the theft or the shots fired, then the charge should have been premeditated first degree murder.

Red Delicious is an disgusting oxymoron.

Turn on your kitchen vent hood, and use your stove to heat up/melt it

Every time I see I see one of these headlines, I always worry and have to look and make sure it’s not Surly Brewing. Another bullet dodged today.

Can I delete the last two season of iZombie off my TiVo now? I just stopped caring about this show, the more convoluted the plot got.

Good god, do I get to reference the famous ARod purse incident from 2004 twice in one week?

Custer Statet Park in South Dakota is HUGE and filled with diverse wildlife, including Bison. There is also a small airport for some reason, at the east end of the park, where during our last visit, the biggest herd I’ve ever seen at Custer, was gathered, like they were waiting for a celebrity arrival. We had been

Hp’s web site is a often circular nightmare when trying to find drivers. I’ll be glad to look at their YouTube channel and see help on printer setup or dismantling the model I haven’t worked on before.

I’d like to offer to buy him a time machine ticket to 1930s Germany. I think he’s a better fit in 1930s Germany rather then 1920s Italy. I think that Rand would be more uncomfortable in 1920s Italy, because he’d be worried about being around that many darker skinned southern Italian fascists.

Roaches have a tough time of it in Minnesota.

Ah! It reminds me of Alex Rodriguez’ illegal purse slap in the 2004 AL Championship series against the Red Sox.

Before it was the Maxima, back when it was still being sold as the Bluebird in Japan, it was sold here as the Datsun 810. My ‘78 was ugly as sin,and yet topped out at over 100 mph.

Last nights game and the first inning represents the fifth time the Twins have turned a triple play against the Yankees in 53 years. Short of the Twins turning two of them in a single game against the Red Sox (and still losing that game), this is a big damned deal in team history.

There are enough games left in the season to smash that tie.

I got to go to the Twins game tonight (thanks for thinking of us, Sam), and between the triple play unfolding in front of us, the five homers, the rare catcher’s interference scoring a run, the ruining of Sabathia’s birthday (Sunday), and the fact that they beat the fucking Yankees, this might be my favorite game I’ve

On a cold spring night in 1952, a huge meteorite fell to earth and obliterated much of the east coast of the United States

On a cold spring night in 1952, a huge meteorite fell to earth and obliterated much of the east coast of the United

If the lady who stole the car wrote down the address of the woman whose car she lifted, I’d be worried about retribution at a later date.

Flying the shuttle next to the rocket was a horrible idea. Fly in front of the rocket like the Dream Chaser or every capsule, and you’ll likely never have a mission failure, let alone two, like we had with the shuttle.

If I were Dario, I would have referenced Bruno, even if I wasn’t related to him.