Chip Skylark of Space

The lessons from my mother’s kitchen was never pop the top off a pressure cooker. When I went out to the driveway to help with the cars, I knew not to pop the cap off the radiator for the same reason. Either way, no one likes getting burned.

My father worked in a book bindery, back in the day (I worked there for a while too), and books have always had a sacred place in my life. I have only rarely bought an ebook just because I love how books even feel as you read them. Having bought an object (a book, a music disk, or even a refrigerator), the thing’s

Jesus H Christ, Paul Blart was wearing gloves?!? The big tub of goo is a legend in his own mind. I am so sick of these damned videos where the idiot white guy is living out the fantasy that had previously only played out in his head so very triumphantly.

I know that the cop’s union damned well better speak up and soon, otherwise it is totally meaningless in all things related to the safety of it’s own members.

I’m being judgemental?!?

Most young adults who have ended up earning a ton of money on their own might (not a large number) end up buying some weird shit with their new found wealth, but most of them don’t end as frequently drunk as you might assume here. I just hope she finds sobriety

I hope her liver survives. I get the impression she’s raging alky.

I’d dress up for Fogo de Chao

Well, this asshole Stable Genius had made me look once again at how the 25th Amendment is worded, and how we could get him the hell out of the White House. It’s fascinating. He has, by most people’s definition, lost his fucking mind.

Why would someone NOT look at the picture and not see that it’s Robert Redford? Even if he was sitting next to some ferns, you can readily see that it’s not Zack Galifianakis.

Bon Manfred is under the mistaken belief that because he’s the commissioner, he has to do something, that he has to stir the pot every day, to put his stamp on the game. They have fucked with the baseballs, the unbalanced schedule needs to be changed, the interleague play experiment has been allowed to continue way

The Old Man and The Gun takes an interesting guy’s life and concentrates on the last few (uninteresting) years of it, and made a dull movie out of it. I couldn’t finish it.

By witch hunt, you mean that Mr. Trump hangs out with a huge connection of horrible people, right? He loves murderous dictators, international criminals, Russian mobsters, pedophiles, rapists, Bank frauds, Real Estate frauds, he knows them.

Most people just sitting around the house while not talking to their accountant could not tell the difference between $221 million and $141 million. If he wants a legitimate shot at another title, he did good here.

I’ve become addicted to the version of Elotes that Chilis started serving this year. I can hardly wait to go to South Saint Paul and have the real thing.

Mayonnaise is fucking disgusting.

Ah, a true student of history.

I’m hoping to hear hearty shouts of LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! that could be clearly heard in Alaska and around the world.

Just like Resident Trump!!

At least the generals got him to understand that the weight of the tanks rolling down the streets would collapse the streets, making him look like an idiot again.