Only the Resident said no collusion, and that’s one of his many delusions.
Only the Resident said no collusion, and that’s one of his many delusions.
Looking at the picture at the top of the article, I get more of a Brown Shirt vibe from the guy, and not so much of a Nazi. I picture him out front throwing bricks on Kristallnacht, and then being of the first Brown Shirts killed off by the Nazis, when Hitler reigned in the Brown Shirts.
God, the Dodgers have got to be happy to be rid of this hot blooded twit, even if if they just got a few roles for tape and some liniment.
Barr saying there was no link is not the same thing as there not being a link. That’s why we need to the damned report, not some stupid high school book report written up by the idiot AG.
More kids die in car accidents because these so called childhood diseases were wiped out (we thought), because of the vaccinations we got. Then these assholes parents started ruining it. Go watch the interview of the kid who got the vaccinations on his own, on the Samantha Bee Show. His parents are fucking idiots. So…
My wife and I spent a lot of time yelling at the TV during that episode. Maher’s just wrong with this one. Biden needs to not joke about these events and fucking keep his hands to himself.
Nobody can get a reach around. That’s where they got into trouble.
Best April Fool’s prank of all times.
IMDB says otherwise.
The Youplait containers you show are recyclable in my program, being #5, but the shorter Youplait containers are #6, and are therefore not recyclable.
The fireman’s nozzle is damned good, and I’m hoping that leaving it hooked up through the winter didn’t ruin it for me. If it did, I need to get another one.
The fireman’s nozzle is damned good, and I’m hoping that leaving it hooked up through the winter didn’t ruin it for…
The Twins have unveiled a ‘hot dog’ that’s bigger then the seat you’re sitting in.
I missed The Middleman, but I saw ads for Abby’s so I’ve recorded it tonight. Earlier this week, I saw that oen of NBC’s Natalie Morales’ was on Seth Myers (it was this one, and not the anchorwoman). My wife thought that she was going to fall out of her top.
Going west out of Toronto gets you to Detroit after driving across the part of Ontario that looks like Iowa or Delaware, and the only lakes areas I see are towards Peterborough or north Barrie heading towards North Bay.
Can we imagine what the cops raiding a bowling alley party would be like? I’m thinking the cops bringing a drill press and a chop saw with them, and destroying a shitload of bowling balls and shoes in the process.
Trump administration should be able to field two intellectually disabled class teams.
If you start earlier, you can pick up a copy of Suzanne Vega’s first album, called Suzanne Vega, or her second one, Solitude Standing. There’s some damned good song writing there. Her first album came out in 1985, the second in 1987
Barrie is about 45 minutes north of Toronto. How far north did you guys get? I got to North Bay and Sudbury, but I did it by driving east-west and not north-south. You can’t mistake Sudbury for anything else, because all the rocks look like they’re melted, and they’ve still got that thousand foot tall smoke stack.…
So how many miles will they get on their frequent flier accounts?