Chip Skylark of Space

It turned out that there was a vitamin B shortage (I don’t remember which one) that caused the birth defects, but that discovery was years after the outright ban on thalidomide that went into effect back in the 60s. I remember the horrific pictures of the defects caused by the drug that seemed to be run in Life

Elisabeth Kimmel, 54, lives in Las Vegas, Nevada

Russia paid for the Brexit, so I just don’t understand why the hell they haven’t investigated it and pointed fingers at Putin, and either thrown the vote out or called for another election.

Russia paid for Trump to be ‘elected’, and Russia also paid for the Brexit vote. So yeah, fuck right off there Jagr Lager.

Well, if this story hadn’t disturbed the universe, we would have been treated to tales of drunken Olivia Jade going through rehab a decade from now. This also tells me that her classmates from high school will have hours of fun stories about her drunken escapades, in the world of low rent Kardashianism.

Sorry, but what Jared is feeling is privilege, not anything that could be described as embarrassment.

The Resident can’t pardon someone convicted in a state court.

When does Resident Trump hold the press conference where he names Mitchell the chairman of the Ohio chapter of the Trump 2020 campaign?

If I had been a League official present at the game, I would have insisted the game be stopped, I would have ushered LeBron off the court and had LeBron pee into a bottle for immediate testing. The way this unfolded, it seemed like he was on something.

It’s like they’re feeding it to a horse.

That’s how my Nova Scotia grandfather said it (he was a big fan of John Diefenbaker when I was a kid, and hated it when I copied his accent).

That’s how my Nova Scotia grandfather said it (he was a big fan of John Diefenbaker when I was a kid, and hated it when I copied his accent).

I’d like to see that too, but I’m not holding my breath while I wait. Using a ‘Stand Your Ground’ defense to shoot a cop will only work if the shooter has a camera recording through the entire encounter, plus someone with a phone and the CCTV from a nearby store.

It’s weird, because I’ve tried to watch some of his comedy specials, and I’ve never made it through any, but this episode was the best of the year, and it’s due to John Mulaney. I’m impressed.

Diet Coke and Mentos

Kate, have you had a chance to see Beers of Joy yet? We’re about half way through it in our house. My future son-in-law and beermeister has turned me on to so many Twin Cities breweries, but now I found this for him. I’m looking forward to you hopping over to do a movie review once you’ve seen it.

No one who worked with in Eagan could even laugh at Fargo. My wife and I (neither of us are from Minnesota, just our daughter, whose attempt at sounding Minnesotan sounds like a Jamaican accent for some reason) still think it’s a riot. Our daughter, born the year it came out, has never seen the movie.

Her husband has some great credits-story editor on Dead Like Me and EP on Stranger Things

Melissa Peterman has had a fun 20 year career starting from being Hooker #2. Her IMDB bio is a fun read too. I hear her from time to time on her favorite local radio station when she checks in.

I laughed to read this, because in between weather reports this morning, when they showed highlights of the high school tournament, they said that Blaine lost the game, so now we know why.