Make sure you don’t the bbq sauce on your junk- that’ll hurt.
Make sure you don’t the bbq sauce on your junk- that’ll hurt.
I’ve got to go home and get my shovels all lined up on Saturday so I’ll be ready to shovel on Sunday.
Sweet discovery, Kate. I loved this article.
That’s the brownie hack. Easier to do, and no upset stomach.
For anyone who thinks a cupcake is just a frosting delivery system, skip the frosting entirely, you get to call it a muffin, and then you’re good.
Yeah, there was few years in there as a single adult where the decisions were not the best (400 miles? I did swing by the house to let the dog out, right?). Now, old and lazy has taken over a lot of the thought processes. Also being able to get stuff shipped to us plays into it as well, but I might never get Hydrox…
Counterpoint #2: I hate pickles on a sandwich. If I want a pickle, I’ll open the damned jar and get myself a pickle.
My city wants caps off the bottles, because they want the bottles to dry out. If you rinse and put the cap on, they will never dry. They also want me to not crush the bottles.
Is she signaling that she’d like a cut of that sweet survivor’s monetary benefits that she’s been told about?
I hate mayonnaise, but on the other hand, I love Miracle Whip. There, I’ve said it.
I used to do crackers broken up on the tomato soup (for god’s sake, NOT saltines- usually a good water cracker), but recently I’ve found that dropping some garlic croutons on my tomato soup. My favorite sandwich now is a smoked Gouda on sourdough, and lay on the garlic butter when you make that sandwich.
If there’s a Family Day, can I just bitch about what an asshole my grandfather was? He lived in Nova Scotia his whole life.
My nearest Tim Horton’s shop is on Rice Street in Little Canada, Minnesota (I kid you not!). No irony here, eh? Rest assured if I’m going to Thunder Bay I’m going to find a better class of place then that, even if my other stop is going to be for root beer.
I wouldn’t say wistful, but I’ve had slow bored weekends...
I’ve driven to Chicago for chicken (in my defense, we were all drinking when we started, and the Twin Cities didn’t have any Popeyes yet), and I’ve driven to Gooseberry Falls because it was really hot in the Twin Cities, so I’d be open for a donut and root beer run, even if the nearest Tim Horton’s is only 7 miles…
Minnesota is one of the few states that still haven’t set up the enhanced licenses yet, and it’s about to cost the state money by blowing that off for so long. My last major Canajian road trip was when my wife and I circumnavigated Lake Superior. I found that Canadian Sault was nicer then Michigan Sault, just like…
Back in the day, between the smaller Canajian dollar and the fact that sometimes if you used your credit card across the border, the gas company might hold on to your transaction long enough looking for a better exchange rate, and they’d lose the ability to post it. I think it was 30 or 60 days, and then your tank was…
So, Mexican Coke and now Canajian root beer?
It suddenly makes sense that this is the US government made it so hard to cross the border into Canada. I used to visit family in Nova Scotia and Ontario on an annual basis, and I would always go from New England to the Midwest via Ontario at every opportunity (cheaper gas, more direct route, no toll roads). No way am…
Boston Market rotisserie chicken was always worse then any supermarket version of the same meal, so we stopping going there. I think the rest of America must have stopped going at the same time, because most of their locations around here shut down a decade ago. My experience with their chicken and sides makes me…