If he tries to just it off completely, he’s in violation of his constitutional duties, AGAIN. God his guy is a douche.
If he tries to just it off completely, he’s in violation of his constitutional duties, AGAIN. God his guy is a douche.
Security Theater.
I’m sorry to say that I’ve never heard of The Nose, but for the life of me I can’t figure out how I know Jack Boulware’s name, but I know I did. My friend Garth Danielson once said that the more you read the more jokes you can get, maybe this is somehow a corollary.
Jesus Christ, what a heartless bastard this idiot is. This is a man with three daughters who are all just now out college and yet he can’t comprehend while young women just like his own daughters whose lives were violated in this most basic way might want to be able to fade back into obscurity but will not be able to,…
I think we can agree that the AFC playoffs this weekend would have been much more interesting (if a bit under whelming) if the Colts had played the Chargers. Neither team seemed to be prepared to play a football game, based on the strategy displayed by the coaching staffs.
Manny Machado is a lazy head case who somehow has most of the tools to be a great ball player and yet spikes guys on the base paths and won’t run out ground balls. Playing for most of his career in the AL East, this crap has been on display two or three times a week throughout the baseball world for everyone to see,…
I live in Minnesota.
Without a sitting vice president, the house speaker is the next in line to succeed. Hello President Pelosi.
The best thing for him and his pesky freedom is to set up a final ‘diplomatic’ trip to Moscow, then slip away from his Secret Service detail before he gets into a limousine and disappear into history. That way he’d stay out of an American jail, and away from that whole iron wall thing he keeps jonesing about.
My dim memories of clam dip resulted in my wife getting me four cans of clams for Christmas this year, but I think I’ll sacrifice a couple of cans to make something like this linguine recipe. I’ll still make some clam dip, but I hate the dip recipe they have on the side of the can, so I need to come up with another.
President Trump denied NBC’s report, calling it “pure fiction”
Would I be able to use this application to clone/replace my TiVo’s drive? I live in fear of my TiVo dying and losing what I’ve been sitting on for a while (most three seasons of The Expanse).
Security Theater.
And you never imagined or lived in communist dream she is talking
I couldn’t figure out the significance of the November 4th date- this year? next year? 2020? I couldn’t figure it out
Meanwhile back in Minnesota, it was 40 degrees today, and at the U of M campus, guys were running around campus in T shirts, shorts, and flip flops.
Okay, this is enough to crown her America’s Sweetheart. I officially love her now. Thanks, Anonymous you clueless bastard.
Amber better looking then Hermione, Johnny drunker then most of the professors in the books and fewer spell casting in the article.
That’s funny, because asset forfeiture is what I referenced: