Chip Skylark of Space

I think even the Nazis would get on board with the permanent name of Truck Nuts.

Sorry, but Asset Seizure is a well developed point of law, just unequally applied.

Davis did not sustain any bodily injuries, according to the police report.

Republicans are looking for a white Jesus and not a brown Jesus.

I’ve saying since the late 80s that the GOP could be prosecuted as a vast criminal organization. As a criminal conspiracy, their assets could be seized and sold off to benefit all Americans irregardless of skin color and not just half a dozen people.

Are you nuts? Trump is paving the road from here to Venezuela, and the Koch Brothers are paying for it with every roll of toilet paper you buy from them.

Yup, Dan Ackroyd was Trump before Trump knew to be Trump. We should have smothered him with a pillow then.

There’s also the simple expediency of blackmailing the shitbag. Given what horrific facts about what thing asshole did as a teenager and twenty year old came out in a quick 2-4 week period, I have no doubt that he really is evil, and that there are things in his past that he’s still assumed would never come out. If we

Yeah, I assumed that someone took advantage of the pig pile and dick punched the stupid son of a bitch.

While I live in Minnesota, I have no love of the Vikings, but holy shit, I couldn’t believe how much of their game consisted of phoning it in. The Bears got away with a lot of sketchy coverages because the Vikes were just going through the motion, play after play. 

It’s been like this since the 1980s since money for mental health care was eliminated as not needed by the Reagan Administration. The ability to critically think for yourself was eliminated in the 1970s, when the Nixon/Ford Administration started cutting back on public education.

My history with Patriots dates back to Babe Parilli and Jim Nance, Sam Bam Cunningham and Stanley Morgan, so have been enjoying the last 15 years like crazy.

He must think we’re even stupider then he is, and given that the lying piece of shit is still in office, he’d be right. After removal from office, he really needs to serve jail time too.

Waiting for the other shoe to drop- when it uses his big boy black crayon to deny Social Security pensioners their cost of living raise for the same bullshit reason. I want the White House press corps to start asking if he’s going to donate his salary to help out the furloughed employees like the Hawaiian senator did.

Double Tree has refunded for his ‘stay’ by now, I hope, and I assume that he gets a Gold Key or some equivalent that he can use for the next decade.

Jesus, renting my office for a hundred a year? Piss off with that.

Jesus, renting my office for a hundred a year? Piss off with that.

Only if he brought Amy Poehler with him, so we could do some crafts (and drinking) later.

A couple of years ago I found that one of my wife’s ancestors had an early patent for a railroad cars that could be emptied via doors on the bottom. He died penniless.

...or maybe just don’t go to Smashburger at all. They have a special level of grease coating with all of their food, even the wonderful haystack onions. But a day later, that same grease is now on the second stage of it’s existence, coating your gut, assisting it all to sliding that meal swiftly out of your body.

As a life long Boston College football fan, I was hoping they would take game trend and extrapilate a final score of Eagles 105 Broncos 0.