Chip Skylark of Space

If the President was going to bring women from his private stash of hookers, he really should have brought more then one. She’s going to be awfully busy and tired.

Forty years ago, I was told the NECCO wafer factory was on Mass Ave just a couple of blocks away from the river. Is that building actually churning out Junior Mints?

Texas- Friday Nights Lights.

And Mr. Heinz’ widow is married to John Kerry, and he’s a huge Patriots fan.

Who the hell names their daughter Tommy Lasorda?

In the 1970s, it was Bookman Bold Italic. It was an earlier time.

Some would say the slapper needs to wear a SuperBowl or World Series ring before the slappee gets what’s coming to her.

I liked Karen Gillan, but watching Selfie I fell in love with her. She was so friggin’ brilliant that show.

Um, one question- the dead teenager: bullet hole in the chest or bullet hole in the back?

Back when gas station road maps were a thing, I used to use road maps as wrapping paper. It looked so cool.

Secretary of ‘Commerce’ Wilbur Ross. Secretary of ‘Education’ Betsy DeVos.

So, many years ago, Howard Dean who was the chairman of the National Democratic Party at the time came up with a 50 State Strategy that said the Democratic Party needs to run a candidate in every race across the country. Howard Dean got to run a highly successful campaign cycle, and then the party thanked him, and

I had to check- my nearest Krispie Kreme is suburban Milwaukee or suburban Des Moines. I guess the days of Krispie Kreme in Minnesota are gone. Next will be Dunkin Donuts, whose donuts in the years since I last had them have Shrunkin Donuts. I can get a normal sized donut for the same damned price anywhere else.

I feel like you’d have many more comments about this item if you hadn’t responsibly suggested NOT using it ‘medically’. That sort of drained the humor from us all.

I feel like you’d have many more comments about this item if you hadn’t responsibly suggested NOT using it

I thought maybe you meant to put the rearview mirrors on the side of your car’s hood, instead of next to the windows, like they do in Japan. I think this has the benefit of cutting down on blind spots, because you have better coverage of what’s behind you.

Boy, this game certainly proves that, doesn’t it?

I’m beginning to think it’ll be Amy Klobuchar. I think that in the next two years I’m going to finally figure out how to spell her name without looking it up each time, and she’s been one of my senators for a while now.

Bear in mind that the newest price is for the now radioactive coins.

I looked for such pictures and found none. I think your memories might not be reliable. I blame the evil harpie shrew, damn her.

The obvious choice: