Chip Skylark of Space

No, that’s NASCAR.

I think I’d like that embroidered on a pillow, please.

If he smoked, Trump would be that disgusting guy who puts out his fucking cigarette in his mashed potatoes. I fucking hate that guy.

I really loved Mistress Louise’s episode of BOTCHED. She turned out really well, post-op.

I’ve always looked at this conundrum and just assumed that one or both of them have a very drinking problem.

I fell asleep last night and woke to hear a band on the TV that sounded pretty damned good. I backed up my TiVo to catch their name- turned out it was Hootie & the Blowfish, with a new song. I might just have to catch them at the State Fair in August.

For a history of an earlier Republican criminal activities, listen to Rachel Maddow’s new podcast series called Bagman, about Spiro Agnew. If you’re not old enough to remember the Vice President, the podcast covers his bribery and the coverup he attempted. Keep in mind that this scandal came up, ran it’s course, and


Men of that age (going back to the now long dead Isaac Asimov who was hugely smarmy in SF conventions through the 60s & 70s) were like that because as nerdy kids, they got no ‘girl action’ at all. With awesome power comes awesome abilities to get the action they’d never had as teenagers and young adults and of course

I grew up in Massachusetts across a lake from the Mass Turnpike, and my dad found out on a drive to Nova Scotia that the Maine Turnpike could also spit out something extra when you paid. On those roads, when you got on, you were given a pass card that told you how much each exit would cost you (the Mass Pike cost

There were times I needed subtitles to understand him, so I had to switch back to another voice.

My wife usually gets the half size apple pecan chicken salad at Wendy’s for lunch, because it’s got all the good stuff added in, and she’s got a Wendy’s a mile from work.

Brett is from Mississippi, right? 

I bet his brand doesn’t make enough sizes, so he wore the biggest ones they do make.

Does anyone recognize any of these so called fashion influencers? Is there anyone in LA who actually saw this storefront? I think this whole thing is an infomercial and is bullshit.

When did he have his stroke? It looks like the right side of his face does work, and I wonder if the lost of brain function also explains why he’s such a compasionless shitbag to the human race.

There was a time in the 1930s where there were single individuals in NYC paid as much in Federal Income Tax as the entire population of Mississippi.

I’ve had a used Kia Sorrento for two years now (2013 or 2014), and it’s the best car we’ve had since my wife’s old Honda CRX. Plenty of comfort, 4 passenger room and lots of cargo space. We leased a Kia Soul this past summer and holy crap was it unexpectedly good. Same massive cargo room, still seating four in

The Second Amendment is what it is?

So, let’s just ask- was JEW on the approved list for plate prefixes? How about JUG? Just asking from a state that doesn’t teach ‘intelligent design’ to their children.