We got ours (a 7 foot tall Fraser Fir) the day after Thanksgiving Day like we usually do, and I’m watering it twice day. It drinks about a pint of water each time
We got ours (a 7 foot tall Fraser Fir) the day after Thanksgiving Day like we usually do, and I’m watering it twice day. It drinks about a pint of water each time
The best of McDonald’s is the Sausage McGriddle, not the inedible Sausage McMuffin.
I think the WKRP drop was from a helicopter, not an airplane. God, I loved that episode.
I’m curious to know what sweet money the climate scientists are tapping in to. God knows I know where Santorum is getting his Petroleum Institute blood money, and I hope that his children and his grandchildren can live with it when Florida and Louisiana and Bangladesh and Florence and Holland are all under water.
I have one gas station chain that’s the best for doughnuts, another one that’s the best for it’s cookies. It seems like so far any of them are great when it comes to hotdogs. No one in Minnesota seems to stock sushi, which I love to joke about.
Wow, what a snake this woman seems to be. Are there any rightwing groups in the world she hasn’t flirted with?
We needed an extra car for the summer and leased a Soul for a couple of months. We already own a Sorento and we both love it, but were amazed at how much we loved the damned little Hamster car. Great pickup, lots of leg room up front for a tall guy like me, huge backseat space to beat the band, and fantastic cargo…
I dismissed the asinine comment that ‘Burningthru’ left for me. I suggest you do the same.
As a member of the sane white contingent, I’d like to apologize to Farida for both the racist asshole who made the original comment, and the racist asshole who tried to throw her and her friends out of the restaurant to face the first racist asshole. I hope the regional management fires the manager’s ass and offers…
There are many players who will gladly step on Manny’s dick on a close play. It always comes around, Machado.
Looking at the score, was this a rehearsal for Arena Bowl 32?
I’m sharing your videos with my wife, and I think we’ll end up using some of your expertise on Thursday. Have a great holiday Clare with you and yours, and thanks again.
Damn Clare, you were busy! Take the rest of the day off; day drinking is expected on Thanksgiving.
If there are coastal areas that you’d like to visit, visit them now, because 10-20 years from now, they might not exist in the condition they’re in now. Florida beaches or New England historical areas, both will be under water soon enough.
Good God, it looks like the punchline from a Funny or Die video.
I saw the picture at the top of the article, and am semi-disappointed that no one had a roast dog for their birthday. I guess that this dog looks it would feed about 6-10?
I have learned to trust Texas Roadhouse with my beef, and have been happy with the medium rare that I require for my total meat happiness.
Oh for chrissake, she shopped at a Goodwill store. Give it a frickin’ rest.