Chip Skylark of Space

I’m curious to know whether any of these people- original black kids or gaggle of white women were wearing hoodies bought from stores at the mall. I would think that folks shopping at the mall could wear the clothes sold at the mall, in which case as a store owner, I’d be bitching up a storm with this mall, and with

My wife wants to make the GBC with all fresh green beans this year, and I have a vague memory that we tried this once and we didn’t like it, and I think it’s because we likely didn’t do anything with the beans before we tossed them it. I like the idea of steaming them, and will try to let you know how ours turn out.

You mean like become a paying member of the Trump Crime Family or vote Republican?

The man licked the woman’s taint.

By the, I love your user-id. One of my favorite paintings even before it became one of my favorite Queen songs.

This truck will be on a circuit of dealerships and outdoor shows for years to come.

Can we go back to talking about Hoda and Kathie Lee’s morning drinking? I enjoyed that immensely.

Never go against the Trump Crime Family when money is on the line!

If you want to keep it in the area and still buy a cheap beers, give August Schell’s Original- it’s got a deer standing in front of a big-ass 19th century brewry building- I always call it Elk Factory, for as cheep as it is, it’s pretty tasty.

Hey, I liked Downsizing!

The first time Crenshaw spouts some Trumpista bullshit, I hope Davidson comes back and takes the gloves off again. The words he spoke last night only hold meaning if he doesn’t participate in the shitshow that is the Trump Crime Family. Crenshaw needs to speak out every time Trump or his own congressional leadership

Where the hell are the Transit Police when you really truly need them?

This why many elected positions have a term that runs out on an ‘off year’, and why some even ran out last year, or will run out next year, part of the (largely Republican) strategy to reduce the number of citizens who might think to vote in their own elections. 

As the participation of voters rise, I expect the GOP efforts to reduce the number of voting locations will continue. Nice job Republicans.

i’m going the other direction, and I’ll pretend that this justifies what I’m already doing. A cream filled donut a day does somethin’ in other, blah blah blah, thank you very much.

God is Great? Does he know how to say that in Arabic? Just asking for a fiend.

6th - Drop the damned interleague play. I’ve lived in American League cities my while life, and I don’t give a crap about any National League team coming in to town. I’d rather have other American League teams come into town a second time in the season then have the Reds or the Marlins play the Twins. I’m sure that

The coffee flavored ones are worth it too.

With an invalid voter’s card, doesn’t that entitle him to a free teargas and handcuffing?

So let me get this right- both candidates in the Virginia Senate race are from Minnesota? Two years ago, when Kaine was named Clinton’s running mate, it came out that he was born in the St. Paul hospital where I work. Interesting that Stewart was born in the rabid socialist hotbed of the Minnesota Iron Range, but