Chip Skylark of Space

Wow, it bugs the crap out of him that Mandy is starring in a highly successful TV that everyone continues to talk about. I bet he flipped on a TV somewhere, and saw an ad for her show or a movie she was in was on and he got reminded that she’s more successful then he’s ever been. I bet her money for the show is

Wow, it bugs the crap out of him that Mandy is starring in a highly successful TV that everyone continues to talk about. I bet the money is good too.

Thank got we’re still turning these Honduran kids away, so they won’t show up our kids. I guess President Cheeto is looking out for us, so we wouldn’t the issues he’s had with Don Jr. and Eric.

Equally important to this governor’s race, who the hell do the Democrats have running to replace this bastard as the AG in the state? Any polls released on how that election is trending?

I’m amazed at how advanced the children of our southern neighbors must be, to have the ability to sign legal documents at such a tender age. I’n grateful that our own children have not been asked to sign these life changing documents.

I don’t live East of Texas, but I do live North of Texas. We have Smash Burgers, we have Culvers; if a bunch of religious nut bags don’t want to take my money, I have to save fuck ‘em.

When he came to town, Butler was described as a hard working player with mad skills. With what we’ve seen over the past few months, I’m beginning to think he needs a MRI, and we should be looking for an advanced brain tumor.

I guess we add Ellie to that REALLY rich short list which up to now had consisted of Julia Louis Dreyfus.

Care to illustrate any examples of (white) folks with a sex dungeon? Anyone whose bastard children are getting positive media attention? I don’t think the movie Room will count for our purposes.

If the GOP leans in on Lisa Murkowski hard enough with the stupid bullshit threats, 2022 is far enough away for her to switch parties and still win in Alaska.

Wow, I haven’t heard that name in a generation.

In the 8th inning, with the bases loaded, the called third strike to Benintendi was outside- that should have been the 5th run, which thanks to Kimbrel’s 9th inning, they obviously needed.

Jesus, this guy looks like a drunk, and he’s abusing Jean Lundegaard, for god’s sake.

This is the downside of what used to be called Minnesota Nice. This woman is insane to jump on this asshole right then and there.

Does Tom Brady break this recording record later this season?

All of my t-shirts purchased after the 2004 playoffs or the 2007 playoffs have been demoted to pajamas, and I’m wearing my ‘Beantown’s Unbelievable October’ one right now. I think in a few days I’ll be wearing the “Witching Hour’ shirt which shows the Yankee Stadium scoreboard for the 7th game in 2004 (bought from

I love everyone in this show- D’Arcy has stood out out to me before, but seeing her in this role and Jameela Jamil as Tahani just makes me smile every damned week. I knew that Kristen and Ted can act the hell out of a role, but these two and William Harper, every damned week is tremendous.

Two things piss me off- that the Brewers got moved to a different league, and then the Astrals being moved to a different league.

Well, let’s see some photo evidence to find out if he has a type...

I’m pissed by how many grocery stores employ butchers whose eyes glaze over when I ask where they have the lamb. Years ago I used to be able to go to the store and get a New Zealand spring lamb leg, but those years are long gone. Now, every store carries beef, chicken and pork and nothing else until the fall when