Chip Skylark of Space

Know what’s even dumber? Interleague Play. I hate that World Series teams might very well have played each not in spring training, but actual games that count. Baseball came up with it because the bastards that run things wanted to squeeze more money out of a rock, but living in Minnesota but being a fan of the Red

It’s important to compete in all the districts, every time. If you don’t put it play you will never have a chance to flip.

I also do a relatively hot oven (425), but one thing you don’t address is the massively important decision of what variety of potato to use. You’ll always see potatoes being sold as ‘baking potatoes’, and you’ll find these are some of the mealiest piece of shit spuds you’ll ever have in your life. For a flavorful

If I was a Democrat in New York I who be so pissed that the Democrat-in-name-only Governor won the primary. I’m ashamed that that rat bastard is getting any support from the national party just because he has a D next to his name. It shouldn’t work that way.

I’m disgusted to find out that the Dem who is opposing Devin Nunes, the lying shitbag republican from California is not getting any money from the DNCC to help with his campaign. I can only imagine what the RNCC is pouring into the campaign to keep that turd floating in the bowl.

Tom Perez is obviously a Democrat in Name Only, because if he’s worried worried about Manship or Tester, he’s an idiot. We’ve already got a governor who is a Dino in Andrew Cuomo of New York and Perez should be concerned in getting rid of that son of a bitch for working against everything that the party stands for.

For anyone who’s ever done the Graceland tour, when you come to the Twin Cities, take the Paisley Park tour, because his family signed a deal with the team that runs Graceland to have them control the Paisley Park tour and those I know who have done both say that it shows.

I graduated, then just about 8 years after I graduated, I moved from Greater Boston to Minneapolis-St. Paul, 800 miles away. It wasn’t until the late Eighties or early Nineties that I ever felt even a tiny bit nostalgic for seeing any of these people or wonder what had happened to any of them. I think that reading

If the alternative is to go all Pelican Brief on their ass, I am so on-board with court packing instead.

I lost my New England Whaler shirt soon after I got it. I really wanted them to call themselves the Boston Whalers, but the boat company couldn’t agree on how much that might cost the team. When I was a kid, I always wanted my dad to buy a Boston Whaler boat, but he couldn’t afford it.

Sold him auto insurance

Even before they played in the Insurance City, the Whalers were the New England Whalers, and played in Boston. The Bruins made damned sure the Whalers were run out of town.

If he is, I hope his wife sends us a signal by borrowing Mrs. Trump’s other jacket.

I can understand your concerns, as a Sox fan old enough to see Bill Monbouquette pitch. Anytime the Sox have seemingly had something good, the baseball gods smashed it. Tony Conigliaro getting hit, Jim Lonberg breaking his leg, Bucky Fucking Dent, game six of the ‘86 World Series. Any Red Sox fan will always doubt

I don’t think we need to worry about Vikings fans thinking too much

You don’t peel the apples?!? Do you hand out toothpicks to the people eating your pies? I love apples but hate the skins getting stuck in my teeth. I have a local orchard that makes pies that taste exactly like mine do, so I buy a bunch over the course of the season, and fill my freezer with them. The price saves my

While many of these recipes ideas sound good, I’ll end up nuking a carcass, pulling off some nice softened meat and make a sandwich. I go back and forth on whether to do it untoasted or toasted, and I’ll swish in a little Miracle Whip because I dislike mayonaise, and I’ll add the Stonewall Kitchen Sriracha Alioli if

Okay, this story makes me want to find some nice early photos of some celebrities (I’m thinking Steve Martin or Tom Hanks, and by using the app, see if I can get a picture of how they’ve aged in real life. Maybe this can predict whether or not they did use sunscreen.

That’s Cambridge. Across the river from Boston, almost surrounded by MIT’s campus.

This is facinating, and I’m sorry I’ve missed previous episodes. I am reminded of the derailed train at the other end of the lake I lived on. The train left a trail of frozen macaroni & cheese boxes across the frozen surface and small outboard engines that found their way through the ice . They cleaned up the