Chip Skylark of Space

The birds at Sam’s Club would presumably be the same as the WalMart birds, and they are a flavorless bargain to my taste buds. Makes me want to go back to Kowalski’s Market (local Twin City upscale grocery store chain for theirs, which are wonderful.

Well, she’s been a part of his bullshit up to this point, but on the other hand, she’s never had her nose rubbed in it in the national media. I have no doubt that things are coming out every day that he never EVER told her about. At this point, she’s already gone looking for his high school year books, and she’s made

I liked it

Oh, I don’t think she does either, but in his own mind, he’s God’s Gift to women (and several inches taller then he is in real life). Remember this little shit bird also hires nothing but beautiful interns.

Imagine the conversations with his wife about every aspect of this shit show. Judging by the look on her face, he ain’t getting any at home for a long, long time. Maybe he can get Renate’s phone number...

Kananaugh is familiar with Chua’s name, and her husband’s name, and knows to leave their daughter the fuck alone too. He might be a man of simple tastes, but he also knows a good thing when he has one and not to screw with the way it works. The mere fact that his office looks like a Deal or No Deal reunion show is

Explains what he’s been doing since he finished filming The Lord of the Rings movies.

He couldn’t read it. All the pages were stuck together.

There any missing native women within a hundred miles? If this asshole was jerking off over what he thought was a dead woman, then he’s way past forgiveness for this attack, and he’s guilty of others.

His wife is as terrified as every other one of his many victims. LOOK at that face and you realize how often he’s done this before.

Given what my reaction to penicillin is - my throat swelling completely shut, there’s no way I’m testing your theory.

Being a BC fan as well as someone who thinks the officials should officiate, this pisses me off.

Living in an area with another team whose fortunes seem to go up and down with a slight breeze (the Twins) over the past 20 years, the lack of a consistent product I could root for in recent years drives me nuts; that and fucking interleague play. In the mean time, my home town team, the Red Sox seem to pull money out

What a bunch of Aw-souls.

Bush Junior was raised in the system, so at a base level, he knew how to use the system to do more destruction then while in office. Remember he’s the one who was warned about the events of 9/11 before they occurred, and then he did NOTHING and let them happen. Bush wasn’t as overt as his own father, who met with the

How the hell was this ‘art installation’ brought to the site to begin with? it’s too damned big to get towed on any road I’ve ever seen, but how big was the towing vehicle, and can they just call them back to get it moved?

The fact that a small school did this against a lazy big school team on the big school’s home turf is why NCAA is looking to crush innovation. NCAA is there for the big schools. That, and to crush the players/students in every sport.

Was the Braille uniforms worn by the Orioles a commentary on how shitty their season has been?

Susan Collins (Apologist, Maine) had no problem accepting the lame accusations against Al Franken by a Fox operative that got him out of the Senate, and yet she will do the same for Christine Blasey Ford? Let me answer that for you- fuck no.

They did mention Blair Walsh...