I just thought of interestingly strange and wondrous history stuff. I first lived in Lexington, and I got to walk by the Lexington Battle Green every day, on my way to first grade. There are lots of houses around the area where there are bullet holes that date back to that day in April 1775. Little things like that…
I caught a foul liner in the gut at a St. Paul Saints game (It’s wild and outside!) in June and it took until August for the bruise to go away. It didn’t hurt much, but it scared the crap out of Mrs. Skylark of Space every time she looked at it.
Whoa, I remember the Danvers Asylum building! That was super creepy back in the day, and creepy enough that I wouldn’t want to rent any apartment built on it’s former grounds. That would be the second best thing to an Indian burial ground in psychic disturbances.
There’s not enough nooses; we’ll have to swing them in shifts.
Trump, you stupid cunt, if Bush Junior had listened to his anti-terrorism people- the ones he had carried over from the Clinton Administration, 9/11 wouldn’t have happened the first time either. Bush was as dumb as a box of rocks, and you’re as stupid as two boxes of rocks, so I fully expect we’ll likely get hit again…
So a guy I can’t stand (since the 1980s!) was going to be interviewed on a show hosted by a guy who’s incapable of doing interviews. Yeah, I passed on that.
You learn to live with it after a while.
I’ll help- I’ll bring the torches.
Thanks for the recommendation. I know that the closer I get to Philadelphia, the better they’ll get, from a variety of choices. With all this talk about ‘em, I went to the Jersey Mike’s in Maplewood Minnesota yesterday, and got one on the newest bread choice, a Rosemary Parmesan. I went the extra mile almost exactly…
I love garlic in and on just about everything (it helps when you’re fighting off mosquitoes), but when I had the garlic bagel at my neighborhood Brueggers as my wife suggested, it was just to much, and I retreated back to the delicious safety of the onion bagel. If we ever go to one of the Einstein Bros. shops, maybe…
I love the Peabody Essex Museum.
I grew up outside of Boston, and before I left (late 70s), I thought it was pretty cool that every damned town had their own ice shop that made their own ice cream- my town had one that we’d visit 2-3 times a month every summer every year from the 1950s (I’m that old), and I’ve been gone for so damned long that I’m…
I’d just point out that New Yorkers commonly put tomatoes in their clam chowder, so any inclusion of New York or any points beyond into a definition of ‘New England’ can be immediately dismissed out of hand. Anyone who grew up in Eastern Canada and who used the term The Boston States know that there are only six…
I didn’t see it until after I’d left New England, but I really loved Lake Champlain, which I figure does count, because it’s part of the border of Vermont. The road that crosses the lake at South Hero Vermont is one of the most beautiful lake views I’d ever seen in the area, and I grew up on a lake in New England…
I grew up in Cochituate, where we all considered ourselves better then the rich folks who grew up in Wayland, but for me, WHS is still Wayland High School. My older cousin went to the original High School in downtown Wayland (well, it’s next to the traffic light), but then I got to go to the second Wayland High, now…
As a lover of Czech pilsners
Denny, stick with the onion bagel for your lox.
They carry my cookies, and the brownies are great too. I save by not liking Pepsi, so I go somewhere else for my drink.
Sorry, I’ve had Firehouse Subs and I won’t do that again if I have the option.