
Doubt [Trump is] a racist, either.
That's your prerogative, but he routinely says racist things.

Is my first post totally off from how evolution works?
Yeah, pretty much.

What if God's,
Name was Todd?

And when you doubt God, and all his creations, then shoot me an email.
Uh… Why?

[The Bozo Tribe, a West African ethnic group located predominantly along the Niger River in Mali, glare angrily at flamingwombat]

Try Great-Tasting Uncle Ben's® Rice Varieties & Spice Up Your Favorite Meal.

Look, my street hockey game was in the middle of the parade route…

Routinely saying racist things makes him a racist.

Well, Derrell Griffith had one good season as the Dodgers' 3B in 1964. But he wasn't able to sustain the success and was out of the majors a few seasons later.

No, you just need billions more IT guys and infinite time and it'll work out.

Law school has changed a lot since I graduated, I guess.

The thing about that is that, yes, bananas were designed to be the way they are but by years of human cultivation selecting the natural characteristics they wanted.

The same people say you can't trust the fossil record or carbon dating because "God put the fossils in the earth and set the carbon levels to test our faith."
Wouldn't that make God a minor-level dickweed, then? Like Dr. Doofenschmirtz with the powers of a deity.

If we evolved from apes, why am I left-handed?
Because left-handed apes are the best poop-flingers. Duh.

Not every act of terrorism is supremely plotted in detail and the "grand plan" that the terrorist acts purport to further is sometimes no more than "take revenge" or "incite chaos" or "make them suffer."

Worlds away? I dunno… If you agree with my premise, then he wanted to take revenge on a group of people, most of whom were NOT doing anything to him or his car.

OK, so you don't think it's likely or possible that in response to his car being attacked, he thought "I'll teach these lawless race-mongrels a lesson"— or words to similar effect— and floored it? I submit that's the most likely explanation. If he was worried about damage to his car, you'd think he wouldn't have run

I explained why it's not racist and in fact perfectly correct to question his impartiality. Are you stupid?
Perhaps your explanation and conclusions on the correctness are BS.

If nobody knows his version, how do you conclude that his car was being attacked with weapons?

From Wikipedia:Curiel is a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, a nonprofit professional association of Latino lawyers that is affiliated with a statewide organization, the La Raza Lawyers of California.[41][42] Neither these groups nor Curiel are affiliated with the National Council of La Raza (NCLR),