
Neither do I.

Neither do I.

Top-notch delivery if you're going for confusing. Kinda shitty delivery if you're going for funny… or amusing… or, well, really anything that would indicate a joke.

I think it's due to the constant ass-kissing up until now and the complete lack of any noticeable or usual verbal cue in his speech.

[cut scene to Mrs. Alger hand-writing comments on Post-It notes and sticking them to local newspaper's entertainment section]

Yeah, but there was no change of tone, no delivery, nothing. It's just so… odd.

Chubby D: Yo Dog, who is that big round bright fool!

Busy or Biz-zay? Consistently and thoroughly.

TR got shot before a speech and still made the speech with the bullet lodged in his torso somewhere.

I agree it has to be a joke, but there was no comic delivery, voice inflection… nothing to indicate humor.

What possible fucking angle could there be for his statement to O'Donnell?

Oh, I clearly hear what you're saying. I just think it's self-contradictory BS.

You're under no obligation to do so, but you didn't answer my questions.

And there's no chance someone as awful as that could also be racist? It's so unlikely, in fact, that you'll dismiss, for a variety of reasons, what are, on their face, repeated statements that look to all the world as if they could have come from David Duke himself?

I think you're ignoring a pretty glaring self-contradiction. You say that these things he says repeatedly aren't clearly racist enough for you— that the racism has to be read into them, despite the fact that they're about as close to a racist statements as can be made without actually wearing a white sheet. And

As is his comments about blacks. And he probably said it in the first place to offend people on the left.

Not that you're under any obligation to, but you didn't answer my questions.

So if I have this right, you're saying that, "Sure he's a reprehensible, amoral slime who has stupid and stereotypical views of people and race. But I can't believe a person like that would ever cross the line into racism."

How many really-really-close-to-but-not-explicitly-in-your-face-racist comments does someone have to make before you call him/her a racist? 500? 600?

"Go back to Univision" is really racist. Assuming a black journalist could/should introduce him to the Congressional Black Caucus is really racist. Advocating for the death of the Central Park 5 and then, when they're exonerated, not even apologizing and excusing it by saying "Well, they were certainly up to no good