
So exactly why are you willing to give any credence to the killer's version of events?

Still not getting it. Cut-and-paste the parts that you think are lecture, please.

I honestly don't believe he's a racist. An old fashioned sleaze, egocentric and many other things, sure.
There's a big difference between a guy burning crosses and running around in a white sheet and the old man at Denny's griping about "those lazy blacks." But they're both

Words mean something. You chose lecture. Defend your choice or don't.

I'm pretty dense. Please cut-and-paste the parts of the speech that you consider a lecture.

Yeah, a person who was there with the group and proud of its hate-filled ideology.

There's transcripts of his speech to the Dallas PD memorial service online. Which parts were the lecture?

The simple fact is the Nazis, awful as they are, were NOT the only violent hatemongers present and causing trouble at that event.
They were, however, the only group that was carrying a shit-ton of firearms and they were, however, the only group that actually killed someone.

"only examples of him saying [racist remarks] are always second and third hand hearsay"?

Oh please. Since when has Trump ever waited for the facts to come in before launching into a poorly-conceived, semi-literate Twitter rant?

I don't like most kinds of magicians, but Ricky Jay and Penn and Teller are awesome.

I think you'd like The Great Reveal-O:

Yeah, I imagine that after purchasing the submarine you probably don't have a lot of money left to spare.

"Best regards."

Objection! Too many puns in one comment.

I never said you advocated it. But you did… uh… joke, I guess… about her writing a song about the guy who groped her.

Or Bucky.

She's counter-suing. The DJ originally sued her for getting him fired. Counter-suing for a dollar and refusing to settle ensures it goes to trial and makes the DJ a public dickweed— which he pretty clearly is.

So unwanted groper equals boyfriend to you?

The testimony of a single witness, if believed by the judge or jury, is enough to prove both a civil and criminal case. There is, in fact, a jury instruction to that effect in most jurisdictions.