
Look, I was lonely and that gasket was so sexy.

In all fairness: did your tampon need changed or not?

Yeah… Silly people expecting that norms of right and wrong should be followed.

No, it's fine. It acts as a hairball suppressant. Like when the vet tells you to feed Vaseline to your cat so it poops out hairballs instead of puking them into your shoes.

That's easy. Of course he is.

Adding Diamond-Phillips seems kinda… odd. So Lindsay and Becca's stepdad was Lou Diamond-Phillips and that's just been glossed over entirely until now? Not even a throway joke that Becca got a card from him at her baby shower or anything?

When are we gonna get to Gattaca-like DNA logins?

Look, dipshit, if there's so many sources out there, then fuckin' find one and show it to me.

Ok, asshole. None of those source say Preibus was horrible at his job. Now what?

Yes, in my opinion, Priebus was horrible at his job which is why he got fired and there are plenty of stories, quotes, reports, interviews, leaks, etc. that would back up that opinion.
And yet you cite none of them.

No. It has. I'm guessing it's in disarray because Trump is an idiotic conman. You're alleging it's because Preibus was in over his head. It's up to you support this allegation with something other than your opinions.

The "facts" you laid out were your opinions and conclusions.

Citation still needed.

Preibus, the professional politician and former RNC Chairman, the guy who has played the political game for at least 20 years now, was in over his head? Citation needed on that one.

What about us braindead slobs?

I'm too lazy to see if this joke has already been made, so…

So… Is your boss single?

Has he ever said he listens to his advisors? Has he ever read anything they present to them that isn't condensed to a post-it note?

Unlawful orders. You don't have to follow unlawful orders.

Hey! I may be whining, weak, and impotent, but I… um… What was that other thing you said?