
No, I'm pointing out that many Trumpers went ape-poopy when CNN tracked down the gif-making guy because "he was just a private citizen; the media should leave him alone and not waste their resources." I've heard no such criticism of the media for doing the same thing to this pickle kid.

You realize that the Washington Post, the epitome of the liberal media and FAKE NEWS [ugh], is the one who reported that the kid does, in fact, exist, right?

I've been saying "Merry Christmas" to people at least twice a week since the inauguration and I've been getting a lot of weird stares. So I say Trump still has some work to do on this front.

Look, sometimes you have to go with a joke that's less than i-dill.

So is the WaPo to be raked over the coals for reaching out to a private citizen here? All he did was write something that the people in the Administration used to further its purposes? Shouldn't he get to remain a private citizen and shouldn't the WaPo have refused to waste resources tracking him down?

Look, it's not my fault I didn't know they got cut during spring training. I usually wait until Opening Day to start paying attention. Gimme a break, man.

At least he's not Travis Bickle.

You could always put it on your Tab and pay later.

Which Ian, though? Happ or Fleming?

I'm not sure what's a no-go and what isn't. I know about the poor vision because I wear glasses/contacts. I know about asthma because one of my sergeants has it. I only know the thing about eczema because I saw it on some Royal Marines documentary.

But I don't think dodging the draft should be something we're eager to criticize.
I disagree.

They're in the military how much fucking are they doing, do they have that much down time anyways?
A lot and a lot. Trust me.

If a service member constantly needed to be on hormones or whatever reassignment treatment calls for, would this possibly be a valid medical reason to bar entry?
Depends. There's a lot of people in the military who are "medically non-deployable" due to

I've been meaning to ask: when are we gonna get around to encouraging my preferred type of social depravity? I think I've been more than patient, but I have… uh… needs.

Idiocracy is fairly subjective.
He meant Idiocracy, the movie, ya dumbass.

The AV Club, the entertainment/pop culture/foodie/Hormel Bacon website, is less credible than CNN, huh? Wow. Go figure.

Those comments do fly past your eyes, don't they?

Oh, I got enough hate for both those things, don't you worry.

[story of stride mother working from home and earning enough to buy a McLaren]

Eh, even if they can't be seen on screen, I'm sure they could be smelled from a good distance away. So I'm not concerned about it.