
Blurst comment ever!

Shh… I'm trying to get The Smegmatrix to admit he's/she's actually 1000 monkeys typing random letters on 1000 keyboards.

I'm curious as to why you're being called "haters"— plural.

OK, asshole. Cut-and-paste the quote. I'll wait.

He's been in office for like 6 fucking months. Even if you agree with every single thing he's done, it's too small a sample size to evaluate. Might as well say Aaron Judge is the greatest HR hitter in history if you're gonna make judgments like that.

Yep. Nothing like watching brown-skinned people fear for their future to brighten your day, is there?

The author claims Trump is racist because Trump tells a story about a guy making a ton of money and then having fun on a yacht?
No, the author never wrote that.

Oh, I'm sure he's had some Putin envy lately.

Plus, it's got the KC Royals.

Make it Sixt dollars and you got a deal.

True, but you gotta Budget time for proper research.

Eh… It's better than their overnight programming they have. Last night, about 3:00 AM they were broadcasting two guys playing catch.

I bet it Hertz to mess that one up.

As a former lifeguard, I can't look at the header pic without wanting to yell at the girl on the diving board, "Just jump straight off the end. No jumping to the side!"


"Under High Blood Pressure"

It really, REALLY bothers me that "shipping" no longer means transporting cargo and instead means an all-purpose substitute for "liking someone or something or someones or somethings liking each other."

Primanti's is famous for its sandwiches with fries and coleslaw on them. I imagine their tank tops are the same.

You didn't answer the questions.

So your assertion is that he's got such strong pedophiliac tendencies that he engages in that kind of behavior in front of video cameras on the Congressional floor? This seems believable to you?