
That… uh… shouldn't happen. You might wanna see a proctologist.

Of course she's not a hosta. She's not a decorative landscaping plant of any kind. Duh.

I want some, too!

I believe the working title for the 5th one was Rambo vs. The Veterans' Administration.

It takes two to tango. And cash speaks loudest. So… offer him a bribe.

They could get Carter Burwell, too!

"He's been trained to eat things that would make a billy goat puke— like most Indian food."

Cue Trumpist criticism of "states' rights" in 3… 2… 1…

So… How ya doin'? Nice to meet ya.

Trump brought up Jim's name in the first place.

I'm willing to bet an intern woulda spelled it correctly and that the source of this was one of Trump's hand-picked "best people."

I pictured him screaming that 1990's dance song by Snap! and dancing around.

No one has clean hands here.
However, only Trump is the President and only the Trump campaign had high-level officials and relatives out in the world trying to get illegal information. The Clinton campaign insulated itself from the Steele Dossier.

A foreign national giving the Trump campaign information about the Clinton campaign's alleged collusion with Russia is STILL prohibited by the rule against foreign donations. If there was evidence of Clinton collusion, Trump's response shoulda been "call the FBI" not "Great! Lemme see it!"

OK, but you seem to wanna say "no harm, no foul" or "no harm, no less foul than anything Clinton did." That's not the law.

Again, again: He attempted to get something from a foreign national and/or foreign government. He took a substantial step towards committing a crime. The fact that a would-be killer didn't succeed in killing someone is something to consider when sentencing, but he/she would still be found guilty of attempted murder.

It's not illegal to hire a private detective firm to do opposition research. It is illegal to accept or solicit a donation of anything of value— which the FEC has ruled includes information, although a federal court could well say otherwise— from a foreign national and/or government during the course of a campaign.

Again: Attempting to commit a crime is a crime.

There's some pretty significant distinctions between the Steele Dossier and whatever the Hell Trump Jr. was trying to do.

I'll rephrase: You can be prosecuted for an unsuccessful attempt at committing a crime. It would arguably have been a crime to collude with the Russian government or a Russian national. Therefore attempting to do so would also be a crime. Criminal attempt means, essentially, taking a substantial step towards