
Fool. You coulda got a sweet gig at one of the big history factories.

Attempting and/or conspiring to collude with a foreign national and/or foreign government to interfere in an election is still a pretty big problem.

I think you confused "literally" and "arguably." Word choice is tough, so don't get too down about it.

No, it doesn't. It says "anything of value." Now that may or may not mean information; the FEC has said in the past that information is a thing of value, but a federal court could well say differently. But there's no way it's exempted as you assert.

No, it's not like entrapment. It's a lot like conspiracy and attempt, though.

However, the FEC has, in the past ruled that solicitation of information is a thing of value.

Probably just forgot. Yeah, right. And then when it was clear there was evidence of meeting this Russian lawyer, he probably just forgot the subject and assumed it was about an adoption program. And then when it was clear there was evidence it was not about an adoption program…

I've always said it had to a foreigner. My goalposts haven't moved at all.

"Anything of value." Information is a thing of value. The CIA and FBI routinely pay people to provide information.

NBC interfered in a US campaign by releasing access hollywood tapes.
NBC is not a foreign national. Furthermore, NBC is a media outlet that reported a story about one of the candidates.

Refuted? Here's a quote from your source article: "A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election. 11 CFR

person with russian sounding name
That she has a Russian-sounding name is not particularly surprising, seeing as how she's actually Russian and all. And, again seeing as how she's Russian and all, she's not legally allowed to interfere in a US campaign.

So why'd he lie about it multiple times?

I reject the premise of the question; Clinton doesn't admit she's a scumbag. She may well be (it's a matter of perspective), but she doesn't admit it.

OK, but Trump ran on a promise of law and order and "putting the adults back in charge." He can't now defend himself by saying "C'mon, let me have a turn at corruption! You assholes owe me!"

Counterpoint, from the Onion:

Twogreattastes's Dad: Son, you're dumb as a mule and twice as ugly. If a strange man offers you a ride, I say take it!

… but the only stunt he was performing was trying to get to the craft service donut cart before Cobie Smulders eats all the maple bars.
You obviously don't know how dangerous it is to get between a Canadian and something maple.

Aren't you jumping to conclusions here? We don't know how the injury happened. Renner coulda fell off of something or been where he wasn't 'sposed to be, etc.

Really? Wow. I thought Oregon Trail was just fucking with me when I died of dehydration outside of Fort Boise.