
Is unloading at the docks a recreational activity? Seems like that would get you in trouble with the Longshoreman's Union.

If you didn't want the hard jobs, maybe you shouldn't be the Tron Guy.

If you don't find O'Neal's snark about Trump funny, then I don't know what to tell ya.

This isn't the CNN, MSNBC, or Huffington Post site, you know. As far as I know, none of them has run with the story of this handshake flap. "Mildly silly" is the AV Club's stock-in-trade. If you want them to be something more than that, I don't know what to tell ya.

I personally find it concerning that the fucking President of the United States behaves like a child.

I disagree. He looks pretty pouty to me.

OK, but how would you characterize Trump's reaction?

It was edited to make Trump look like a pouting child? Wow… I gotta say, nice job Mr. Editor. Seamless.

Redeeming, horrifying. Po-TAY-to, Po-TAH-to.

I War-saw what you did there, but I think that's a pretty big stretch for a pun.

No, not the entire basis. There's still the significant issue that, judging by his facial expression, the President has the maturity of a 3-year-old and cannot handle normal human interactions where he's not the one in the spotlight.

Dogshite except for the fact that the President of the United States put on the sour face worse than either of my kids ever did.

That is a… uh… noticeable, let's call it… bulge in that cover art, there.

Well, the guy was all too happy to take credit for creating the meme that got used. I believe he wrote about it and offered effusive praise for Trump using his Reddit creation. If he's gonna do that— inject himself into a public story like that— then I say he's fair game to be interviewed about it.

Why go after his identity in the first place? What possible journalistic reason could they have to go and cross reference his posts and trace back a social media trail that led to the creator of the meme?
CNN left a message asking the guy to contact them. The guy got

The guy asked not to be publicly ID'd and CNN agreed. It's not an unreasonable state of affairs, really.

Sorry, I wasn't clear. You're not leaving out anything. But let's say CNN left out that the guy wanted his anonymity spared and CNN conditionally agreed to it. That would be kind of a different story. The difference being that the person who was the subject of the story still has enough humanity to understand it

First off, it's not punishment to report accurate information about someone just because that someone doesn't wanna be exposed as an media-hating, Trump-worshipping, anti-semitic dickhead.

It seems like a threat was given, and a coerced confession/apology followed.
It shouldn't seem that way. The guy was contacted by CNN. They left a message. He didn't return the message, but he immediately realized, "Oh shit, people are gonna find out what a dickweed

The only threat he felt was in his own conscience and mind, then.