
They were so pissed off that they agreed to not report this guy's identity when he asked them not to? That doesn't sound very pissed off.

So he didn't respond to CNN and took action on his own. You can't blackmail someone into doing something they've already done.

They reach out to him, he doesn't respond. Immediately after realizing that it was CNN looking for him yesterday, he began purging his online posts and responded to CNN's request that they wanted to speak to him.
So he took the apologetic actions when he realized that a

Anonaminty is when you're anonymous and have minty-fresh breath. Duh.

I think you're missing that it's not really blackmail. The guy put his apology up and made retractions before CNN had ever contacted him (probably because he realized that he's not as anonymous as he thought). You can't blackmail someone to do something if they've already done it.

Uh… I listened really closely?

But the announcer says, "And now, "The Nations of the World," brought to you by Yakko Warner."

It still bugs me that a song called "Nations of the World" features a lot of places that aren't nations.

Straightforward news articles do not have the Trump insults in the headlines. them, so therefore I'm actually grasping at an inappropriate comparison in order to be angry about it.

By the way, if you head on over to the Times' site, you'll see the Op-Eds are side by side with the 'regular' news.
WTF? Seriously?

You're welcome!

Peepaw and Meemaw are Southern terms of affection for Grandfather and Grandmother.

The thing about the Mountain Gorilla is this (at least to my understanding): They didn't just "discover" it, as if there was no such thing as a gorilla ever in its habitat area. The local population knew there were a bunch (relatively speaking) of gorillas there for centuries. It's just that it was only determined

I dunno… There's a club for bears down the street from me. They seem to have a LOT of fun.

Bunk! Bunk, I say! Show me a bag of Bigfoot droppings or shut up!

Try being unemployed and looking for a job without access to email, job sites or your social media network of friends and work contacts.
That's what libraries are for!

Wait… Doesn't Congress have a disabled list? And then the Republican Party could call up a state legislator to take his place? I'm pretty sure that's how it works.

I take offense to that.

there is a requirement that sales in certain areas have an exchange of money associated with them.
You're telling me that in certain places, you cannot give a gift of real estate and then have the deed recorded? I find that very hard to believe.

I disagree. If I give real estate to someone, it's legally theirs and we could go down to the clerk's office and have a deed recorded reflecting that. It's just that the transaction would be a gift and trigger some gift tax and other such consequences; so instead of calling it a gift, they call it a $1 sale. I'm no