
Locking yourself up in a bunker with canned goods will keep you alive and (questionably) sane only for so long.
You know, even the most bushcraft-y types are gonna die, too. Eventually.


Interesting. Thanks.


I wonder if Cher is going to force her way to the pulpit to give the eulogy again.
Is there a backstory about this?

I liked Rush and he was good in it, I thought.

That might be taking it a little too far. I mean, he's still being prosecuted for the assault.

"The guardian reporter was trouble causing" is a perfect sentence?

Check my comment history. I'm no trumpist.

Syntax by Yoda.


Cave Painting… uh… Cave is really… uh…

Most of the home furnishings, decor, and appliances in my buddy's house came from when the Macy's in downtown Pittsburgh closed down. He got what appears to be the office break room table and chairs for like $10.

My response was a question. A question cannot confirm anything.

… brainwashed to believe that shitty healthcare for 100% of us is better than high quality healthcare for 95% of us.
When the hell did this country have high-quality health care at a 95% coverage rate?

That's true, but there's more to it than that. In PA, it could mean a crimen falsi offense (a crime involving dishonesty of some sort) regardless of degree or a crime that affects the integrity of public office like official oppression which is a misdemeanor.

When is this set? The Vietnam war was like 40 years ago and anyone who served in it is likely to be over 60 by now. That's too old to be fighting bears.

They'd say "no," because the reporter started the fight. You generally don't get to claim self-defense when you're the aggressor.

I gotta admit: I agree with the charging decision. Every fight is not a felony assault. The difference in most jurisdictions tends to be along the lines of causing or attempting to cause serious bodily injury (SBI). Throwing someone down and taking a few shots at them isn't causing SBI and it's probably not

Uh… Not sure what that has to do with anything, but OK. Have fun not seeing.