
Sez you. We'll see.

I dunno what's gonna happen, but the rest of Congress could just say "Look, we don't like this, but it's the will of the voters and unless and until he's convicted, there's nothing to be done about it."

You know, you aren't exactly enlightening anyone with your unsourced declarations that he'll never be seated, either.

Yep. That's me. Real hysterical. Can't you just feel my heart palpitations through my comments— particularly the one where I admit I don't know what the restrictions are that would prevent someone from holding Congressional office?

No. Simple assault is a misdemeanor. I'm not aware what the restrictions are that prevent someone under indictment from holding Congressional office.

He also had a history of debt issues, including sometimes not paying people he'd hired for various services. People here really don't like that shit.
[Trump tugs nervously at collar]

[doesn't read carefully enough]

So "get over it" means "make excuses for an overgrown baby and his trainwreck of an administration," then?

I assumed you meant and was really confused for a minute there.

I liked The Hammer, too.

The source material had a similarly smarmy yet out of touch tone.
By source material, I assume you mean the War in Afghanistan.

I dunno… Lots of states follow this model. The good point is that it generally prevents schoolyard fights from being spun up into felonies.

Counterpoint: If your standards for cleanliness and hygiene (and "play," I guess) are flexible enough, you can play with any candy before you eat it.

I'd rather spend the weekend with the Pain Monster.

I don't know about Montana law, but the usual distinction between simple assault vs. aggravated assault is causing or attempting to cause serious bodily injury. When the injuries are just bumps and bruises caused by hands only— no weapons— it's pretty difficult to prove anything over simple assault.

Uh… No. The story of physical contact has been confirmed by multiple sources, including Gianforte himself. Once some sort of altercation is confirmed, a news outlet can fairly write the above headline, since it doesn't imply blame or criminal culpability.

Then go petal your puns elsewhere.

On the contrary: I'm using a long-term buy-and-hold strategy. I last checked my portfolio in early 1637, so my retirement account has been compounding ever since, I assume.

Money changing thinky good.

Bitcoin? Bosh! Flimshaw!