
I had a horrible flashback to Garden State. Do not go there.

Best Self Contained Episode?
I have to say this is one of the best self contained episodes in a long while. While I was disappointed not to see some build up to the upcoming finale, I was happy to see that it wasn't a straight throwaway like a bunch of the episodes early in the year.

Agreed. She was a one joke pain in the ass. I learned the meaning of true hatred seeing her. I can only gather the producers liked the person acting the voice… maybe she would rub off her spin-off series luck from A Different World onto her abomination of a character.

As much as I liked Kids, this sounds like classic over-pretentious sophomore album from a band that veered into that territory previously.

I read the headline and was already 1/8 spoiled. I can't believe what it would be like to have gotten this far. Hopefully you got to enjoy one of the best episodes in a long time.

Fuck me. the commenting system is going insane on me.

A bit disappointed
Compared to last season's ride to the finale (given that this was going to be the second to last episode of this year)… I would have been disappointed if this is how season 3 was coming to a close. The biggest problem this season has been Shaw… he's too opaque and hasn't been given much chance to

A bit disappointed
Compared to last season's ride to the finale (given that this was going to be the second to last episode of this year)… I would have been disappointed if this is how season 3 was coming to a close. The biggest problem this season has been Shaw… he's too opaque and hasn't been given much chance to

A bit disappointed
Compared to last season's ride to the finale (given that this was going to be the second to last episode of this year)… I would have been disappointed if this is how season 3 was coming to a close. The biggest problem this season has been Shaw… he's too opaque and hasn't been given much chance to

Thought Gesture Life was better
This story meandered a bit more than the more elegantly concise stories of Gesture Life and to a lesser extent Aloft A great read regardless but it is seemed a bunch of the movement was designed to hit designated scenes such as the aforementioned Manchurian event, rather than

The adhoc weapon fight was brilliant… but somebody should take Yvonne out to a shooting range to show her how to hold a gun.

As much as I loved tonights episode, I hope that we have no "reveals" like Casey's fiance. Talk about out of the blue and totally out of character. Coulda accomplished much of the same with something a bit more coherent like a family member or something.

I love this series. I just wish very badly that you could speed through the text. I would like to believe that I can read faster than the average 4th grader. I usually don't get very far per play (like last night) since I. Have. To. Read. Every. Word. So. Slowly.

I am disappointed in the uncanny valley… her ME2 face looks like skeletor in some of the darker sequences. Plus I find Aussie accents a turn off. Probably related to Nicole Kidman's brutalization of american accents.

Still pretty low for a pretty great episode in my book. Maybe the best standalone one outside of Chuck vs Suburbs. Finally Chuck the character seems to be progressing in ways that aren't just comic silliness (like his pandering to Shaw), Morgan/Ellie secret teasing, and a pretty unexpected turn of another intersect.

This was the best of the season… and the faux bedroom/constant tranquing was worth the crappy "Dubai".

You'll be waggling your wii-mote to stupid songs for the remainder of Zelda's existence. Few things got me as upset as trying to play a pan flute using my fucking DS. Besides the sheer boredom of sitting on a train for what feels like hours on end. Frankly, riding on the NYC/SF subways was far more interesting than

The good news is…
Only two more months til Chuck. Not sure it will do anything for NBC though…

I have to say I was very pleased to see Stankonia on there. Seeing them perform right around the release of this was just about the most incredible musical experiences of my life. Its quite amazing the chills I get still almost 10 years later when B.O.B. makes an appearance on the shuffle.

They should release these after the top 50. It just makes the list seem illiterate. I still stand behind my comment that there was a multitude of great electronic music across all genres… and not just in the hipster borders. Plus I forgot RJD2.