
Pretty Narrow List
Whether it be missing out on the better side of the dance floor (Deep Dish), pop (Junior Senior), indie (Postal Service), or retro (M83), this list missed out on a lot of great electronic music… ironic given that this decade really saw the wholesale acceptance of it across all genres from hip-hop to

I like watching number 2 since I can essentially watch both movies at once as the first one plays in my mind concurrently with each "overlap".

The drums and guitar both sound much more present than the prior albums. In a bad way. On the best tracks, they blend instead of overpower the Quins.

I didn't even realize this album was out (or even coming out). Bought it already…

I give up
I know its a bit embarrassing but I finally give up. My dog can write better stories than this. You can't introduce thinly drawn out characters and kill them off once you realize you made a mistake. You can't have these half-baked stories end all abruptly for no reason. You can't have people flip out

I thought hannigan frankly was gettin too thin (maybe competing with Cobie) and now pregnancy has mellowed her out into a good Goldilocks size.

There are many professors at Ivy League institutions and otherwise who do not hold phds. In general, schools prefer phds since it can increase their rankings (most phds, most published papers) and in turn have a high correlation between papers published and tenure. But its not a requirement… the less research

Phil Lord and Chris Miller were behind the very funny Clone High which met an all too rapid end. Now whether the animation is up to snuff may be another matter altogether.

Sorry AV Club… My anger at the clip and reference to that steaming pile of Braff has made the remaining portion of the article unreadable.

Hope the rest of the album is better
The B&S version of the sampled song is one of my favorites… and this seems kinda bleh… maybe even generic Its missing the fey.

Was scared
By the promos on watching re-runs of chuck. I thought they were showing some old 80s after school special. The mention of meth/stoner girls plus a mention on the avclub almost makes me think about watching it… nah.

I thought Paranoia Agent was pretty uneven and never aspired to the levels of Millennium Actress. In Paranoia Agent and Perfect Blue, it feels the point is to watch the tricks and mind fuck. Millennium Actress on the other hand uses the tricks only as a means of telling its transcendent story.

On the whole, I think Miyazaki has a much better portfolio of work. But Millenium Actress is not only my favorite Anime of all time, but it ranks very highly on favorite overall.

I actually thought
this episode sucked slightly less than previous episodes, though that isn't saying much. The number of switches from good/evil were down to the single digits for once. I am so sick of how people randomly switch sides for NO REASON even multiple times per episode. The only other positive

Was pretty disappointed…
by this one. I thought the beauty of imagery really just told a story that echoed hallow to me. I thought the subsequent AI had similar failings, albeit at the finishing hand of someone much less skilled: it felt like it was trying too hard to be unique and different. Especially compared to

What a seriously weak episode. Outside of the Sylar scenes which were cool but made no sense, this show has completely gone off the pseudo rails it was on. The fake conflict between nathan and the killer is just absurd. I don't understand how the writers can keep making characters change in personality, powers,

Hedwig knocked this movie down several levels for me. When I first saw VG, I thought it was an incredibly entertaining take on glam and Bowie in particular. Then Hedwig comes out with better music, plot and ultimately movie, and VG lost a lot of its shine.

I have to admit to being a pretty big Velvet Goldmine fan until Hedwig turned the formula upside down brilliantly.

Still confused
As to why Mates of State warranted the D+. I mean Britney got a B for goodness sake.

Another vote for Reaper. As awful as the episodic plots are, the three main characters made for an enjoyable show every week. Was I the only one who thought the new chick now on 90210 fit into the show flow better even as the writers tried to move her off with ever weirder character behavior?