
No Drugs?
And I was thinking to myself that no musician these days was clean, let alone a techno legend.

TWBB as Metaphor?
Am I the only one who found TWBB just too obvious? I got bored numerous times in the movie seeing these archetypical characters run their tired courses. While I was glad to see a movie made today about oil without the usual politicizing about the evils of fossil fuels, I don't think TWBB really

Why Juno?
Watching the Daily Show tonight, there were two ads in a span of 3 minutes already claiming to be the next Juno (this and the other being Persopolis). How long do these cycles last? It doesn't seem that long ago when every movie was either just like Napoleon Dynamite or My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Is this

I like his voice
but maybe cause I rarely listen to albums straight through and more usually shuffled into other stuff.

Hot Fuzz
I for one liked the long ending. Maybe cause I thought the beginning was too obvious for way too long. Or maybe I've spent way too many teenage years watching Point Break….

Am I the only one…
who loses respect for someone for having the Dead on their iPod? Even if they are banging Jenny Lewis? Even if the Dead wrote some half-decent songs… does anyone want to really listen to endless "jamming" for 15-20 minutes in their day to day lives?

Yeah, its made on a 2c budget with some hideous acting on top. But the Crow brought a new flavor to action flicks which many have imitated (the Matrix immediately comes to mind) but few have captured. A great predecessor of superior revenge flicks to come like Oldboy and Kill Bill.

Green Screens
My god were they awful. While Sylar's virtual vacation is understandable, Hiro's adventures were about as fake looking as could be… until Captain Emo takes flight in identical fashion to Superman with crappy effects, total lack of imagination and absolute ridiculousness. Hopefully he goes to the arctic

On a side note, why are most people left to finding out about decent music through mediocre shows like this and Grey's Anatomy? i've tried giving alternative radio here a try numerous times over the past month and can't find anything decent.

Blame Corporate Radio
Corporate radio I think has done far more damage to music than MTV. Its kind of sad when the only way people learn about half-decent music is through commercials or TV show soundtracks. The payola pushing lame bands and strict programming schedules (playing the same song repeatedly) has

No fan of Shadow-less but…
I actually loved the Restless track. Then again, perhaps it was the shock of hearing Unkle's name called on the radio. I hate the radio but at least this station is trying something slightly outside the 16 year old demo.

Does anyone remember this series? It was a lot like Lost in popularity from what I recall though I was a bit too young to not be freaked out by all the too-close-to-human aliens.