
Grave of the fireflies is one of my favorite movies ever but I've only seen it once. So devastating and beautiful that even now my eyes are welling up with tears thinking about a movie I've not seen in over a decade.

I think she's supposed to have gone goth after her experience. I.e. Hair dye and overdone face makeup. The pilot made some points bout her change iirc

The first Death series (I don't have strong feelings for the 2nd) seemed far better suited to film, between its concise story and inclusion of manic pixie dream girl elements. I love Sandman but there's too many genres to even make a TV series out of it.

Not just Goth Felicity but Felciity dressed as Death.

Legend of huma was my favorite in memory but I'm scared to read it again and find out it sucks now that I'm not 12 anymore

Lucius' album is my favorite.

So depressing.  I was ready to drop this show after last season but this was lots of fun at times but to end with an episode as poor as this… I remember why I wanted to stop watching.

Pretty disappointing from the creator of one of my favorite dance tunes, the Depeche Mode-styled song, the World Is Mine (albeit by far my favorite version is the Deep Dish mix).

What's an AV article without their princess?

No. She's horribly ugly.

I can't believe such a high score for something that looked so shitty.

As much as I loved this episode, this is chuck, and in particular post season 2 chuck we're talking about here.

Piers Anthony
Thanks for reminding me that he was the master of beating a story cycle to death. I just found out that there was another chapter in the Incarnations series. I re-read the prior seven which re-confirmed my teenage belief that the quality of each subsequent book got worse… and discovered how horribly a

Best Batman…
movie outside of Begins… and maybe not even that given its relative budget and target audience.

This episode (to say nothing of this season) was so bad, I almost stopped watching. The remaining goodwill from seasons 1+2 is really paper thin at this point. The plots make no sense and meander for no reason. Really, a supposedly princess-like daughter suddenly becomes a world class, diabolical bad guy overnight?

My wife and I (in 30s) really enjoyed em. There's really minimal emo/romance and the violence gets pretty extreme for a young adult series. The political angles though are a bit simple and straightforward but no worse than your average adult sci fi. I'm not sure what qualified it as young adult except for the fact

Man that was sad
Possibly the worst episodes and thats saying something after some of the clunkers in season 3 and 4. The comedy has no relationship with the main story and makes the serious part look ridiculous and the comedy not humorous.

Millenium Actress is one of the most amazing movies I have ever seen, animated or not. An amazing exploration of storytelling mechanics while retaining a heart. This news has ruined my day.

I was pretty disappointed in tonight. I thought it was a pretty hamfisted origin story and even more crude in design than Richard's. In a show that attempts to aim high in storytelling techniques, including alternate timelines and cuts between stories thousands of miles/years apart, I was pretty underwhelmed by

I thought Yvonne in ME2 is a bit weird looking… kinda highlights her poorer features. But she has definitely stepped up her game compared to prior seasons where her looks were more off and on.