
So, existing titles will still get the free upgrade? I just (finally) was able to snag a PS5. If I have to sit and download upgrades to all my supported PS4 games before a certain date where I’ll start getting charged for them, that would be useful to know.

“For parents, “urgent” verges on being an understatement.”

Ferris Bueller IRL!

Ginger Luckey.  Roxanne Luckey.  What were their parents thinking?

I didn’t see the cat’s tail fur standing on end in this preview.  That’s such a distinctive aspect of a cat in fear or attacking that I hope it’s there in the actual game.

The whole subplot with that lady who took over CCPD was not even mentioned here, not surprising since it was completely useless and seemed like just a way to get Joe away from the action.

Cobra Kai is great but how is it a comedy? A kid nearly died after being kicked off a balcony and landing on hard stairs!  I feel like The Boys is more of a comedy (whale guts!) and Cobra Kai is more of a drama.

I think GameFAQs is a shadow of what it once was.  I don’t know if it’s just the games I play, but even bigger games sometimes do not have any FAQs or they don’t have one for my console (like Switch) and no direct link to the FAQ for the game on a different console even if the FAQ would be identical other than the

I just wish I could find my future PS5 with a PS5 chip inside.

I really feel that 3rd-person VR games like this show the best potential of the technology over first-person.  I enjoy games like this and Astro way more on my PSVR than trying to play RE7 for any length of time.  I don’t get VR nausea, but I just enjoy looking around into crevices and solving puzzles instead of

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I thought Andy Richter had been to this Woodstock. It was ‘94 but still worth a watch!

How is the new season of Big Brother missing from this list?

Don’t forget about Stargirl.

And I think they’re hoping Weisselberg will flip.

I really hope they explain how Allison ended up with Kevin.  Unless she was pressured in some way, I don’t see how she would ever end up with that schlub.

WTF is that video? Dad looking in his coffee cup after the kids are dancing on the wall is the best part.

I really, really hope they do another Wallace & Gromit movie/show/anything.  Were-rabbit was fantastic, but it’s been way too long.

I still can’t tell whether Lawrence is a good guy or a bad guy. I’m guessing that’s intentional but I never know whether to root for him or not.

Got to be Paul Rudd and Tom Hanks (remember he came up with the Coco moniker).

I thought this was a dream sequence, especially since I thought one of the protesters looked exactly like Luke.