Chris Redd was in Supermarket Sweep.
Chris Redd was in Supermarket Sweep.
If someone is found to be a line jumper for the first dose, are they still able to easily schedule and get the second dose? I don’t even know how second dose scheduling works at all for people who are not line jumpers.
Looks more like The Messenger than Axiom Verge.
Lego Space Station deal must already be gone because it’s showing as $69.99, not $56.
Lego Space Station deal must already be gone because it’s showing as $69.99, not $56.
My (least) favorite story is how I had a billing issue that you would think you could resolve over chat. But after probably over an hour of back and forth, chat says that they have no connection to customer care, so I have to call anyway! The chat couldn’t do anything for this basic issue. I asked them what the…
If you think calling the IRS is bad, try dealing with Verizon!
I probably played this more on the old PSP than any other game. Definitely worth a re-purchase.
Every story about Ivanka should have a link to this:
“Drumpf, who will be disqualified from holding office if the Senate convicts him of inciting an insurrection at the Capitol two weeks ago,”
Takedown by Nintendo in 3...2...1...
I really don’t understand the Chris Cillizza hate. Yeah he’s a little goofy but I find his stuff on CNN interesting and entertaining and he explains some aspects of politics pretty well for the layperson.
I cannot believe you didn’t mention blindfolded 16 star (!) Mario 64:
Nintendo Life gave Outbuddies a bad review: bad non-remappable controls and bad map. Are these issues still present or have they been patched or updated in some way?
“a remake of an old Brat Pack heist romp”
It’s unfortunate that the audio was so poor for this. Somebody’s microphone was messed up.
Ah, now I remember this. Thank you!
I really enjoy this show. Question: can anyone say what Ben’s job is? I feel like I know what all the other characters do, but I don’t think his job has ever been established.
A few things: I think the Andorian’s name is spelled “Rynn” from the closed captioning, and he was introduced 2 weeks ago, not last week.
Serious question: assuming he’s not in prison, am I going to have to register as a Republican in 2024 just to prevent Drumpf from making it through the primaries?
My head canon is that these cookies are made with Luke’s favorite blue milk, which is what gives them that color.