This is the key quote here. While these idiots are in positions of power, they refuse to make waves with Drumpf. Once they are out, their true feelings come out. I don’t know what kind of spell Drumpf has over them to get this behavior.
This is the key quote here. While these idiots are in positions of power, they refuse to make waves with Drumpf. Once they are out, their true feelings come out. I don’t know what kind of spell Drumpf has over them to get this behavior.
1999 is my top pick as well, but I’d also put 1985 up there just for Back to the Future and The Goonies.
I will bet anything that he goes golfing this weekend. I thought he might last weekend, but now it’s looking like it’s going to happen this weekend. I’d put money on it.
The diagnostic tests are not the ones that people would administer themselves (aka brain swabbing). It’s the antibody tests (blood with pin prick) that people theoretically could do themselves. You’re right. Nobody is going to stick a swab up their own nose.
I binged this this weekend, but you might want to put a spoiler alert on this, especially David’s short part of the interview.
“Hulu hasn’t made the same strides in animated series as it has in award-winning dramas”
I had never seen that Majora’s Mask ad before. Super creepy and disturbing. Where/when did it air?
I felt this episode compared to two weeks ago was like night and day. Besides the sketches themselves which were great and everybody getting much better cameras to record themselves, SNL’s graphics and special effects people truly hit it out of the park. SNL’s YouTube channel has a playlist of BTS videos including one…
Yes, please, let him go out. There’s no chance he’ll get infected. No, no chance at all.
I don’t know if anybody checks the comments down here, but getting Knives Out from Amazon for $10 is great, but note that, for some reason, it is not supported by Movies Anywhere, so it’s stuck in Prime Video if you buy it there. I usually use Apple TV and my iPhone and iPad, so I canceled this purchase and bought it…
I don’t know if anybody checks the comments down here, but getting Knives Out from Amazon for $10 is great, but note…
Replace “parsley” with “cilantro” for me.
Not a single mention about Alvin’s struggle coming home?
What was that green leaf that was fed to that cat?
You forgot about the Mooch (Scaramucci).
Plus, you can’t magically connect a car battery to a regular appliance and expect it to work (DC to AC, voltage regulation, etc.)
Uh, you completely forgot to mention the most important part of the episode: acquiring the rather interesting rat painting of an artist who auctioned it off in south central Pennsylvania in the early 90's. We need to get the word out to find it!
Assorted Musings (pt. 2):
I don’t see this answered in the wood mod post, and this seems like an obvious question, so I’ll ask it here: why, of all people in the history of the world, did you put James Polk on your dock?
I wish my pre-order of this game from Amazon had arrived by now. Not arriving until Friday. ;-(
I don’t have this phobia as bad as you (and I didn’t know it had a name), but I have not thrown up since 1986 and I plan to keep it that way. Some foods I will avoid entirely, the top one being mushrooms (just the smell makes me nauseous) and the food that made me sick in ‘86: veal (which is just gross and horrible to…