Not a Steam Roller....This is a Dynapac twin drum roller.... a steam roller....would be steam powered!!! :-) Sorry brother...I just could not resist.
Not a Steam Roller....This is a Dynapac twin drum roller.... a steam roller....would be steam powered!!! :-) Sorry brother...I just could not resist.
This awesome. I love the fact that he threw caution and common sense to the wind... built a unicorn...and DRIVES IT!!!! We need more stories like this!
ZO6. This is not even a question!
Remove toyota boat anchor, rear axle and wrecked late model Chevy Van, truck, or camaro....
This as America’s “Peace in our Time” moment, starring John “FlipFlop” Kerry as Neville Chamberlain.
MMMM. Smell that? JUSTICE. God, I love the smell of justice in the morning.
Worse, they stole the exhaust tips from the 97-99 C5...
Everybody folds. It’s only a matter of time and motivation.
Oddly, just the other day my dually got blocked in my driveway by an ignorant behorned heffalump that was sitting in her Honda chatting with her son. I politely tapped my horn...twice. Nothing.
TRUTH!!! Sick of it too!
Even Trump want to bite dat ass!
hookers and blow...what else?
I was thinking Buses....City bus drivers make more than truckers...especially in unionized metro’s
Yep, and you cant have a hand gun, a buy or a beer either.
No, it does not, though under 21 for a semi is usually restricted to base, and (usually) the personnel who are hauling are hand selected for skill and maturity. I know that is how I did it (I’m a retired Seabee Equipment Operator). The written test is the same as a CDL exam, as is the performance. In addition, we ran…
They are desperate because the pay is crap.
Its far more show and flash than utility. Boats of this nature in Special Warfare are designed to deliver a VBSS team, or coastal insertion/extraction of a strike team. The Mark V, upcoming Mark VI, and SOC-R (for rivers) are far better. First, you cannot deliver a squad sized (13 men) strike element. Second, this has…
At this point, I left with a sad, so what? Honda missed the window of opportunity, and this car will not be able to outperform c7Zo6, though it will likely be as expensive. The NSX never really offered a great value, which although it was nice, it was just relegate to an “also ran” status, evidenced by sales numbers.…
Outstandin! You pulled that off without Stalin, for even a second!
How much is a tank from the “scratch and dent” yard? Buy it quick, or this puppy will pop at at the local tank dealer with clean title, “no accidents” and low miles.