This is what heaven looks like. When gearheads die, their spirits are transported here, to enjoy fine machines for eternity. Just call the guy at the front door, St. Peter.
This is what heaven looks like. When gearheads die, their spirits are transported here, to enjoy fine machines for eternity. Just call the guy at the front door, St. Peter.
He is there to solicit “donations” for the current party in power, so that they win in 2016, in return for major openings into Defense Department contracts. It is cronyism, plain and simple, there is no reason for a SECDEF to be hobnobbing there. DoD has some of the best and brightest already working for them, at a…
Amen... washing a shark is transcendental!
The good...The engine will probably start reliably. The bad...Interior and wheels by Douchebrother’s Racing. CP all day. Surprised they did not pull the fiberglass wing off a Civic and slap on a VTEC sticker.
Engine swap??? LS ALL THE THINGS!!!!
Still don’t like socks! You don’t wear socks with deck shoes!
This is good...and I would hoon the heck out of it...but my heart yearneth for the McBurnie. I shall have one someday. It will be glorious, and the Angels will sing.
This... hurts my heart. Long live the Phabulous Phantom.
This is what I come here for! Awesome job!
You buy a 5K ready to spend about 25K getting it right. You are far better shopping a 15-20K sorted and restored example. I bought a$ 5K 1981 with 76,000 miles in 2004.... It ran, drove, and passed Kommiefornias idiotic smog. Unfortunately, she had had a very hard life (6 paint jobs!!!) and everything…
Maybe the one he had was. My 81 is friggin awesome!!!
I have an 81, with a 383 and a 700R4 conversion, a 3:54 gearset and long tube headers with the obligatory side exhaust. she also has the Gymkhana package. 350 rwhp, and legs as long as I-10. Absolutely sublime. She is loud, and curvy....and gives a hell of a shock to a lot of people when they think that Sharks are…
In the segment this car is in... low reliability equals death. Alfa has an Audi style chance to re-introduce itself. American treat their cars differently than Europeans, the drives are longer, and the last thing a person with a new and expensive car wants is to keep returning to the dealer. I think shattering the…
I have to give this one a borderline NP. It’s a bit on the pricey side, but you cannot beat an American pickup for longevity. I”m more a GM guy, because of parts availability, and very low maintenance. If this old warrior had an overdrive tranny, solid NP. These are great trucks, if you are a truck person. I like mine…
Tavarish - This post made my day; I positively love this truck!
Space “X” brought to you by Zero G productions.
Because they can. Because racecar.
THIS vid should be COTD!